*Kagami x Himuro

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Requested by: BelladonnaVonChrist
Read, review, request and, most importantly, relax~
TW: Violence

Kagami and Himuro were as inseparable as a dog and its tail. Everywhere, anywhere, they were together. After all, they were best friends.

But, was that all they were?

Himuro begged to differ. After all, he found himself loving Kagami more than a best friend should. More than a brother should.

Now, the two were walking together towards the local basketball court in fourteen-year-old ignorance. Blissful ignorance.

Himuro heard ringing, the type from a bicycle. He turned around and saw a bike hurling towards them at a quick pace. Kagami seemed unaware.

"Watch out, Taiga!" Himuro yelled, completely and utterly concerned for his friend. Kagami turned his head to Himuro, confused.

Tch, what an idiot!

As if it were all happening in slow motion, Himuro snatched Kagami's wrist and pulled him out of harm's way. The bell continued ringing as it passed them by, the biker screaming something about foolish children.

'Foolish children'? Peh! Who was the one riding his bike on the sidewalk?

Kagami wobbled at the strength of Himuro's pull. Unbalanced, the red-haired boy fell. On top of Himuro.



"Tatsuya! Are you okay?" Kagami immediately inquired. Himuro lightly hit him upside the head, unfazed at being sat on by Kagami. "Idiot! You were almost run over by a mad biker!"

At least, on the outside he seemed unfazed.

But on the inside, he was blushing like a fangirl watching a sports anime. Back-to-back.

"Taiga and Tatsuya sitting on a tree~" a teasing male voice sang from somewhere. The two boys quickly stood up, brushed dirt from their clothes and faced the source of the taunting.

He was a fifteen-year-old blonde boy, looking too manly for his age. Behind him were kids with the same build and mocking expression plastered on their faces.

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G~" one of his followers continued in the same disgustingly teasing voice.

"Shut up, Alfred and Friends," Himuro retorted. The group laughed as if they were watching some sort of comedy cartoon on Disney.

"Ain't it precious? Tatsuya found himself a boyfriend!" Alfred cooed. The group laughed automatically.

"He isn't my b-boyfriend!" Himuro shot back.

"So what if I am?" Kagami asked. The laughs turned into silence and Himuro looked to Kagami with a shocked and worried face.

What are you doing? Do you have a death wish?!

"Are you telling me that you and Tatsuya are boyfriends?" Alfred walked closer. Kagami didn't budge.

"What's wrong with finding someone who loves you?" Kagami continued. The Group of Masculinity stopped in their tracks. Himuro just stared at Kagami with awe.

Taiga actually made them speechless.

But Kagami wasn't finished, oh no. With a smirk, Kagami said, "Oh, how rude of me! Of course you couldn't answer that question, I should have known. I mean, how could you answer it if no one has ever loved you?"

In a flash, knuckles connected with jaws. Knees connected with stomachs. Shoes connected with shins. Before long, Kagami and Himuro were a trembling mess on the concrete sidewalk. The passersby hurried along, pretending to see nothing.

Alfred glowered at them from above. "That's where you belong. Such filthy,"

Someone kicked dirt at them.


Someone spit at them.

"creatures. Go flaunt your sickening rainbows elsewhere." The sound of footfalls caused relief to enter their bodies in waves.

A kind lady offered to drive them to Himuro's home (I wonder where she was when the commotion was going on), and there Himuro tended to Kagami's wounds, as he seemed to take most of the damage.

Kagami propped himself on a table as Himuro inspected him for wounds. The first aid kit close by.

"Tatsuya, what about you?" Kagami said. As Himuro applied alcohol to a gross-looking scrape, he shrugged, "What about me?"

Kagami hissed, "You have injuries too."


"I'm not the only one in need of attention, here."

Himuro banged his fist on the table, hard. Kagami jumped, not from the rubbing alcohol. "Let me take care of you! I want to! I need to! I--"

That was close.

Kagami looked at Himuro expectantly. Did he really have to finish that sentence?

"I... I'm your brother. And brothers help each other, yes?" Himuro said half-heartedly and smiled encouragingly at Kagami. The latter returned it with just as much luster.


Himuro worked in silence, thinking about what he had almost let slip. Did he really... like-like Kagami? Was Kagami really that important to him?

No, he's more than that.

Without consenting the rational part of his brain, Himuro's lips moved, "Taiga?"


"Am I important to you?" Himuro inquired. Without hesitating, Kagami nodded his head, "Of course!"

That made Himuro smile. "I'm glad. I love you, Taiga."

For a moment, everything was in slow motion. From the soft swaying of the curtains to the wide, blinking eyes of the two children in the room.

It all went back to normal once Kagami smile sweetly. "I love you too, Brother."

Himuro would have smiled. Himuro would have hugged Kagami. But he didn't, for pain engulfed his body in an instant and made him drop the alcohol bottle, the liquid spilling all over the floor where Himuro found himself sprawled upon.

"Tatsuya! We need to take you to the hospital. Now."
Before Himuro could relive a second more, he opened his eyes. He fell asleep... in the hot baths.

It was a dream. No, a memory. Of him and Kagami, years ago in the States.

When everything was good and innocent. No championships, no new friends,

No Kuroko to steal Kagami's heart. No Atsushi to confuse Himuro's.

Speaking of which, a drawling voice spoke up suddenly from the other side of the bath, causing Himuro to jump. "Hi, Murochin."

"A-Atsushi! When did you get here?!"

"Just now. I was surprised you didn't notice me enter. Well, your eyes were closed. Were you asleep?"

[A/N: Well, there you have it. Not much of a KagaHimu shipper but I did my best! Whenever I think of their relationship, I always end up making it angsty and one-sided for Murochin, mostly because Kagami is an oblivious little idiot and Himuro is too nice to push Kagami into something that he doesn't want. Sorry about that f^_^;) I hope I didn't make it too angsty, or too out of pairing and Himuro's love is conveyed properly.

Was it good? Bad? Tell me what you think and send me your requests! As always, constructive critisism is the best type of critisism!]

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