Aomine x Kise

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"Well, that was a surprise," Kise laughed. They were headed to their respective rooms with Murasakibara and Midorima taking the lead. As usual, Kuroko stayed at the back, leaving Aomine with Kise.

"Heey! Aominecchi, don't ignore me!"

"What? Are you going to call me 'senpai' as well?"

Kise rolled his eyes, "Aominecchi! You're so mean!"

"Kisechin, please shut up," Murasakibara said. As they passed a corridor, Kise pulled Aomine aside and pushed him up against a wall. Kise placed one leg in between Aomine's and held both of his arms up by the wrists.

"Kise!" Aomine whispered, surprised.

"You can deny that that performance by Akashicchi didn't do anything to you all you want, but you can't lie to me. I know you better than anyone in the field of sex, especially since we were fuck buddies back in Teiko. In fact, I'm feeling a bit reminiscent."

Aomine smiled, "If there's something you should have learned, Kise-"

In one swift movement, Aomine turned them around, with Kise against the wall and Aomine taking his dominant position, "-it's the fact that I don't bottom."

Aomine pressed his lips on Kise's, to which he replied gladly, sticking his tongue inside the Tōō ace's mouth. Luckily, the door beside them seemed to be a storage room so they continued that inside.

Only one watched this scene. Kuroko.

A/N: I apologize for the short chapter :( I don't really know what to put in there! To make up for it, have a short AoKise flashback!

"Akashi-kun," Kuroko spoke up when their captain ignored the fact that there were only five of them, plus one if you include Momoi, but they still lacked a member. Akashi turned to Kuroko, "What is it, Kuroko-kun?"

"Aomine-kun isn't here yet," Kuroko stated. Akashi looked around but saw no sign of the dark-skinned teen. He 'tsk'ed and told the others that he was going to go look for him, "Practice while I'm gone."

Kise ran up to him, "Akashicchi, don't bother. I'll do it," he then ran out in search for his teammate. He knew where to look. Kise went straight to the rooftop where he was sure to find Aomine.

True enough, he was there. "Aominecchi!" he cupped both of his hands around his mouth so the said teen could hear him through the strong autumn winds. Aomine was lying on his back with his fingers locked together behind his head. His eyes were shut as if he were sleeping. But they opened when he heard Kise's voice.

"What are you doing here, Kise? Hasn't practice started yet?" Aomine asked. Kise walked towards him and sat down.

When they first met...when that rubber ball went flying towards his head, Kise felt his whole being being pulled. At first, he thought he was being pulled in the direction of the basketball court, that's why he joined. Then it was all over the place: classrooms, bathrooms, the courtyard, and the rooftop. Everywhere, he saw a certain student.

Then, Kise finally understood. He wasn't being pulled to a place, but to a person. A blue-haired, blue-eyed, dark-skinned basketball player and student whose name also has the word 'blue' in it. Enough hints?

"Idiot! Akashicchi will have your head! It's time for practice, Aominecchi! C'mon, stop dilly-dallying," Kise reprimanded, kneeing the boy's side gently. The model knew he was in love with this person, but there was no way that Aomine would reciprocate his feelings.

Aomine sat up beside Kise, legs outstretched and arms to his side supporting his weight. Then he said something that made Kise think twice if he actually woke up this morning, "Stay with me."

"Ehm?" was the only thing that came out of Kise's mouth. His cheeks flushed guiltily as images of them appeared in his mind. "W-what do you mean? Skip practice? No way, I'm not as good as you, Aominecchi."

Aomine laughed and muttered, "Just..."

He moved in closer.


His hand was on Kise's hand.

"Once," then he leaned in for a kiss, which Kise was so not prepared for. Kise instinctively elbowed Aomine which caused the blue-haired teen to back away and groan in pain.

"What the hell, Aomine?!" Kise yelled, covering his mouth while blushing furiously. Aomine recovered quickly and looked him straight in the eye, "If you love me much, why won't you let me kiss you?"

Kise gasped and began stuttering nonesense, "W-w-what?! I-I-I didn't...I'd n-nev-never...what?!" Aomine thought this was the cutest thing ever and cupped Kise's cheek, which sent shivers down the blonde's spine.

"I think you're adorable," Aomine announced. He leaned in an captured Kise's lips in his own. This time, Kise did nothing but kiss him back. No one saw them for the rest of the day.

Kise knew that Aomine didn't love him, but as Aomine kissed him, he felt as though it was insignificant.

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