Aomine x Kise (Part Deux)

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Requested by: iloveGOM123
Since I cannot write smut, I shall leave what happened to your imagination~ ;> Enjoy, guys.

The morning after was... more or less weird for Kise. He was in a cramped room with terrible yellow lighting and... was that an insect?!

"Gah!" Kise yelped and stood up from his uncomfortable position lying on the floor. Or rather, tried to stand up but an incredible pain shot up his spine which caused him to kneel back down in pain, momentarily forgetting about the insect.

"Urgh... so early... noisy--"


"WHAT?! Can't a guy sleep?!"


Kise was so very confused at the moment. I mean, you would be too if you woke up to a pain in your back, unfamiliar surroundings and insects crawling around with a former lover and teammate beside you. In fact, he was convinced that he was drugged.

To top it all off, he just realized right now that they were both naked.

Fan-fucking-tastic. The cherry on top to a not-so-appetizing sundae.

Aomine was lying on the floor under a makeshift blanket out of clothes. Kise was too when he woke up but the insect happened so now he wasn't.

Kise was kneeling beside a frowning Aomine who had one eye lazily opened and looking at him. "Would you shut up for at least one second?" he said.

Kise was about to moan about how mean Aomine was being but the blue-haired teen moved closer to Kise, a seductive smirk on his face. "Your voice must be sore from last night," Then he looked at Kise's posture and pieced things together. "but I guess not only your voice is sore, eh?"

Oh, so that's what happened.

Kise unconsciously blushed at the proximity of their faces and just remembering what exactly occurred last night under the haze of morning.

"A-Aominecchi..." Kise trailed off, not exactly knowing what to say. He just didn't want to stay there, butt naked and pressed up against another naked man that he apparently had sex with last night... and some times before.

But Aomine wasn't planning on moving away. In fact, the idea seemed absurd to him. Instead, he moved his face in closer, tilting his head a bit as if to kiss the other man. Kise's body was also willing to, betraying his brain that was telling him to just STOP this and move away before...

... before it happens again.

"What?" Aomine murmured as he paused centimeters away from fully crashing his lips onto Kise's.

But Kise was having none of it. The model took it upon himself to press the whole of him on Aomine, the force of it causing them to fall with Kise on top.

But of course, Aomine doesn't bottom.

While still making out, Aomine managed a grin and flipped them over. Kise winced, either from the pain of his bottom or not being in control. But he made no action against it.

'Stop this. Now,' Kise's brain told him yet again. He just rolled his eyes at it. It wasn't to be trusted, especially during tests.

No! It feels nice and... he's nice. He didn't force me to do anything!

'He didn't force you to do anything, yes, because you always do it for him. There wasn't anything to force upon you.'

We were young. He was young. But now it's a fresh start. Aominecchi's kinder now...

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