Midorima x Takao

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"Do I hear Kagami's voice from here?" Midorima asked. Murasakibara stopped walking and silently listened. Indeed, he could almost hear the Seirin player's voice. He shook his head, "Impossible, don't be so silly, Midochin. By the way, I wouldn't say this because I care or anything, but it's starting to creep me out. Your boyfriend has been following us since about a few minutes ago."

Midorima fixed his glasses, "Boyfriend..."

Just then, Takao popped out from behind a potted fern, "Hey! That's insulting!"

"Takao..." Midorima looked at him, expression unreadable. Takao waved slightly, "Sh-Sh-Sh-Shin-chan! Yo! Don't worry, I wasn't following you! Psh, yeah right! I only found something shiny behind this plant and came to get it."

Murasakibara held back a cackle, "Hm, OK. I'll be leaving now, my team's room's just right over there. See ya, Midochin."

Midorima blinked, "And what 'shiny thing' did you find, Takao."

"E-eh? Turns out, it was only a drop of water and the light just reflected it to make it look like a shiny thing! I'll also be going now, bye!"

Midorima stepped in his way, "No you don't."

"But Shin-chan, I'm sleepy!"

"Not if you still have time to pick up a 'shiny thing'."

"I could have been rich, you never know."

"It's no use, according to Oha-Asa, Scorpios will experience the opposite if they try to achieve fortune. Why don't you come with me, Takao?"

Takao came to his side and asked, "Where?"

Midorima smiled, "To our room, of course. Where else?"

So that's where they went. As they entered the room, Takao moaned at the cool air and he stretched.

"Ahh, yes! This is wonderful!" Takao mused and fell on his bed, eyes closed. Then, he felt someone hovering above him. Just as he opend his eyes, soft lips covered his and all he saw was green.

"Mmmdrrrmm (Midorima)!" Takao tried to say whilst pushing the stronger man away. His limbs flailed around and it annoyed Midorima so he held Takao's arms down as the green-haired ace deepened the kiss. After a while of you-know-what, Takao just let his body go limp and enjoy the feeling of his crush kissing him.

Yes, he had a crush on Midorima. Ever since the Generation of Miracles won their second national game. The way Midorima never failed to shoot a three always made his heart skip. So when he heard that Midorima was joining the basketball team in his school, he thought it was destiny. But of course, he shouldn't believe in such fictional nonesense. And then he found out that this guy believed in much greater nonesense than he did...

Midorima let go of his hold on Takao's wrists and cupped his cheek. Takao threaded his fingers in the green strands and kissed him back. Just then, Midorima pulled back and whispered, "This year, I heard that Cancers and Scorpios will be more compatible than ever."

Takao pushed himself upward using his elbows as support and took off Midorima's glasses and whispered in his ear, "I've never been so turned off after a make out session in my entire life," then he kissed him on the lips once more.

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