16: The Party

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"And we are here" Jacob says, getting off the bike and helping me out.

The house was huge, and all ready full of teenagers, there were clouds of smoke. I could see people drinking, the music was loud and so were the screams. Lots of couples showing public display of affection not caring.

"Who's house i-" I begin before being cut off.

"Mine" a tall, tan, dark- haired muscular boy walked up to us.

"Oh, this house is yours?" I repeat my question to his face.

"You like it?"

"Yeah I do, I wish I could say the same about the owner though" I take off my helmet while Jacob chuckles. "Now if you excuse us, there's some drinking to be done" I grab Jacobs hand and walk pass him.

"ENJOY THE PARTY BEAUTIFUL" I heard from the distance.

"You brought me to Paul's house" I smack Jakes chest.

"He might be a jackass but he throws the biggest parties on the Res"

"Fine, whatever let's get a drink" I grab his hand again and drag him through the crowd straight to the bar.

"What do you want?" Jake asks while he looks through all the drinks.

"Hmm what do they have?" I ask while I lean over the counter.

"Um WKD blue, MD 20/20, something called Slinky, Smirnoff ice, water and coke"

"I guess WKD blue" I answer.

"Are you sure?" He turns to face me.

"Yeah, I'll be fine" I smile and he hesitantly hands it to me.

"There you guys are!" Hands wrapped around my back, I knew exactly who's obnoxious voice belongs to.

"Hello Embry" I giggle and take a sip of my drink.

"Hey girl, where were you?"

"We had to drop off my bag at Jakes" I answer. "Where's Quil?"

"Getting food, yo Jacob, pass me whatever she's having"

"She can handle her self, but can you?" He teases Embry.

"I can handle myself better than her" he scoffs and lets go of me to get the drink. "When did you get a tattoo?" He asks noticing the large tattoo that covered most of my back and shoulders.

"Few nights ago" I said awkwardly. "I'll go find Quil" I smile and quickly flee the scene.

As I walked around I found it really hard to move between the teens that were currently jumping to a song. The music was loud when we got here but it's much louder now, to the point I can't hear people's conversations at all.

"Watch it!" Someone shouted in front of me, I look up to see none other than Paul. "You really like bumping into me don't you?" He says while moving closer to me.

"Oh my" I cover my mouth. "How did you know?" I ask sarcastically and roll my eyes before leaving him behind.

"Hey!" He shouts but I ignore him. "Where are you going?" He grabs my wrist.

"Obviously away from you!" I snap back trying to free my wrist from his grasp.

"Come on!" He rolls his eyes. "I'm being serious"

"I'm looking for a friend" I answer.

"What?" He lowers himself to my level to get a better hear at my words.

"IM LOOKING FOR A FRIEND YOU ASSHOLE!" I yell into his ear, still trying to get my wrist back.

"Such a big attitude for a small girl" He whispers in my ear, causing goosebumps all over my body. "Where was your friend?"

"Getting food"

"I'll take you" He pulls me by my wrist with a strong grip.

"Loosen up, you'll break me!" I giggle.

"Do you see your friend?" He asks avoiding my comment and keeping it the same.

"Uh" I look around and spot Quil eating pizza, I giggle before responding. "Yeah" I walk to where he was standing.

"Hey Quil!" I shout as I stand in front of me with a huge smile on my face and a Paul at my side.

"Hey cupcake!" He answers with the same level of happiness before his eyes land on Paul.

"You can let go of me now" I turn to face Paul.

"So this is your friend?" He says, bitter laces his tone as he ignores me again.

"I take it you both know each other?"

"Paul has quite a reputation in school" Quil crosses his arms.

"Say that again!" Paul shouted from behind me, Quil stood his ground and stayed still.

"He's quite the lady's man, and let me not mention his anger issues or how much of a big bully he is" I'd never seen this side of Quil, he's always sweet, sometimes too sweet but this was very much new.

"Quil that's enough!" I sigh and turn around to face an angry Paul. "Um I think I should go" Without a word he lets go of my wrist and leaves.

"Why we're you with him?"

"He was just helping me find you, why did you have to be such a dick?"

"You don't know him Y/n" He crosses his arms again.

"You know what? I didn't come here to fight and especially about someone I don't know" I roll my eyes.

"Pizza?" He offers with an innocent look in his face.

"Yeah" I laugh and he hands me a slice.

"Did I mention how good you look?" He said looking at me up and down.

"Dumbass" I playfully push his head away and bite my pizza.

"That's sick" He touches my shoulder. "Was it painful?" He asks.

"Oh you don't even know" I laugh.

"It's beautiful" He smiles. "Aren't you fifteen?"

"Yes I am shh" I bring a finger to his mouth, and we both laugh.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now