100: Empowering

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I laid in my bed dreading today, I didn't want to get up and I just wanted to lay in bed but I promised to train with the pack today so I had to get dress sometime soon. 

"Ugh" I get up and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Once I was done i walked back to my room and thought about clothes. "What to wear.. what to wear"

I take some stuff out and the decide that the best thing I could do was open the window and stick my hand out to see how cold it was. When I did, I realized that it was actually a good temperature. I could get away with an open back sweater and take a jacket in case it gets cold.

I grabbed a bag and stuffed my jacket into it, and ran downstairs to get breakfast

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I grabbed a bag and stuffed my jacket into it, and ran downstairs to get breakfast. When i got to the kitchen my dad was there and pure terror settled into my body. My dad didn't know about my huge back tattoo, and I've been doing so good, except for that one time but I convinced him he was hallucinating.

"Good morning honey" He says.

"I uh Hi dad" I stutter.

"Tomorrow there's going to be a jockey game, maybe Paul can come over and we can all watch it? We can make some burgers? Or order food?" He says.

"Yeah that sounds nice" I try to make myself breakfast while still facing him.

"Okay then, we'll do that and talk about the food tomorrow, do you think Bella will be here?"

"Uh no... she's been hanging out with Jake a lot"

"Okay so it'll be the three of us" He smiles. "I have to get to work so I'll see you later" He kisses my forehead and leaves.

I let out a loud sigh as I hear the front door close and make my sandwich and pour some juice in a cup. I took my plate and cup to the breakfast table and grab my phone to check for Paul but nothing yet. I got up to look out the window and Bella's truck was also out, which meant she was hanging out with Jacob which she's been doing a lot lately.

As I was looking biting my sandwich and looking outside Paul's truck appeared in front of me and he honks his horn. I grab my bag with my jacket and run outside.

"Good morning Swan" He says when I jump inside of the truck and put on my seatbelt.

"Good morning Lahote" I say back with a grin and he starts driving.

"How are you?" He asks.

"I'm uh" I thought about yesterday and how Quil came over. I was going to mention it but decided not to. "Good, how about you?"

"Tired, your dad has been making me work for it"

"Well it is a job so" I laugh.

"Yeah yeah.. how was your essay?"

"Um it came out better than I expected" I smile.

"That's good, I'm glad"

"Thanks... oh my dad says tomorrow there's going to be a jockey game, and asked if you wanted to come over after school to watch it?"

"Uh I'm not sure yet" He looks at me and back at the road. "I might have to go out with Sam and Jared"

"Yeah I get"

"I'll let you know though"


"Have you talked to Jacob ever since t-"

"No" I cut him off. "Why?"

"Sam has been watching him, He thinks he might turn"


"Yeah I mean he's great grandfather was an alpha" Paul tells me. "And a chief"

"Oh wow, that must feel empowering"

"Not sure" He chuckles.

We both laughed and look at each other but I quickly move my eyes ahead. I thought about Quil in that moment, my laugh died down and Paul looks back towards the road. It was silent for a bit but then I remembered he was with his dad yesterday so I decide that's a good topic.

"So how was yesterday with your dad?" I ask.

"Uh it was same as always, he talked about his job, asked very few questions and got a call from work"

"Oh... how long is he staying?" I look at him.

"Just a few days, my mom comes in tomorrow afternoon and they leave together on Saturday night"

"So almost a week"

"Yeah basically" he says without a care.

"Don't feel force to come over tomorrow, we can always watch a game but you can't always see your parents"

"Don't worry, this is nothing new Y/n this is the life style they choose and I'm okay with that" We park in Emily's driveway.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now