22: Texting

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"Where have you been?"

"Hello Bella, I'm fine thanks for asking, how are you?" I roll my eyes and set my bag on the kitchen table.

"Weren't you sick?"

"Yeah but dad let me stay at Jacob's house in hopes to feel better but I think I got worse" I knew I definitely got a sore throat from not dressing warm enough.

"Why what's wrong?" She asks with concern.

"Jacob Quil and Embry took me down to La Push, and I'm dressed like this, so now I got a sore throat" I drop on the chair.

"God Y/n, I'll make you a tea"

"Thanks Bells" I smile.

"So what did you and Jacob do?"

"We ate, watched a lot of movies and hung out with Embry and Quil" I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

8:15p.m "Hey" I read from an unknown number.

"Hey?" 8:16p.m

8:16p.m "Are you home already beautiful?"

"Oh it's you Paul haha" 8:17p.m

8:18p.m "Yeah it's me... unless you gave your number to some other guy"

"I might of, you're not the only guy that wants me" 8:18p.m

"Hello, earth to Y/n" Bella waves a hand in front of me.

"Sorry what?" I look up at her and place my phone back in my pocket ignoring the text I just got.

"Who were you texting?" She wiggles her eyebrows.

"Just some rez guy" I laugh and roll my eyes.

"Keep rolling your eyes and they will get stuck in the back of your head" Bella sets the cup of tea in front of me.

"Fine sorry, it's a bad habit" My phone vibrates again.

"Who ever that guy is he won't stop texting you" Bella says in a flirtatious tone.

"He's a little..... persistent" I giggle.

"Do I know him?" She asks.

"No, I doubt it" I take a sip.

"Does Jacob know him?"

"Yup" I said popping the P.

"Do you like him?"

"Damn are you interrogating me?" I laugh. "No I don't like him, I've seen him three times and he's a jerk"

"So then why is he texting you?"

"Because I believe everyone deserves a second chance, I just think he needs someone who will listen to him"

"And are you going to be that person?"

"If he lets me" I shrug.

"You are too nice" She laughs.

"Maybe" I join in on her laugh. "So how's school without me?"

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now