88: November 1st

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I rolled over and a body next to mine, I got closer to the heat and opened my eyes.

"Did I wake you?" He asks.

"It's okay" I smile. "What time is it?"


"It's too early!" I groan.

"It is not" He laughs.

"Can we stay in bed forever?"

"We can"

"Okay good" I cuddle and throw the blanket over my face to cover the light sipping through my windows.

"Want me to close the curtains?"



When he got up I felt the cold air and it make me shiver, I heard him close the curtains and grab something before laying back in bed.

"Movie?" He says.

"Which one?"

"Whichever one you want"

"Okay" I say and he hands me the controller.

I skim through the channels and one caught my eye, it was "Corpse bride"

"This one"

"Halloween already passed"

"Halloween was yesterday calm down"

"Okay okay" He raises his eyebrows.

I scoot closer to him and put my feet on his side, I couldn't tell if he was uncomfortable or not.

"Sorry" I move a bit away.

"No no it's not that it's just I don't want to ruin things with Quil" He scratches the side of his face. "Things already went sideways yesterday with Veronica and I just don't want to make it worse"

"Oh um.. we broke up" I face the tv.

"I didn't know"

"Yeah, last night" I try to not pay mind to it.

"Oh" He says in a low voice.

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".. yeah okay, I'll ask" Paul said on the phone.

"Who was it?" I asked once he hung up.


"What did he say?"

"He asked if you wanted to come over today, Emily is going through something rough and she could really use a girl talk right now"

"Is that even a question?" I get up and grab my duffel bag.

"But what about staying in bed forever?"

"It's okay we can do that another day" I smile.

"Okay, I'll meet you downstairs in twenty" He gets up and leaves.

I grab my clothes and lay it on the bed before going to the bathroom to brush my hair, teeth and use the toilet. I walked back outside and sat on my makeup chair and did some light make up and slid a hairband in my hair put on my clothes.

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"You know you can be very cute sometimes" Paul says while he's parking is Sam and Emily's driveway. 

"Don't go falling in love with me now" I laugh and so does he.

We get down and we are greeted by Sam and Jared.

"I'm going to go inside okay?" I tell the boy who were starting to talk about wolf things.

"Emily is on the couch" Sam says.

"Okay thanks" I walk in. "Hi Emily" I walk over to her and sit next to her.

"Hi Y/n" She says not as happy as her usual self.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

She stays quiet for quite some time, I sit next to her and hug her.

"You can tell me anything, I'll always be here for you" I reassure her.

"My sister and her husband passed away"

"Oh my god Emily" I hug her even tighter. "I'm.. so sorry for your lost"

"She.. was my best friend" Emily sheds her tears as she speaks.

"I'm here for you anything you need" I rub her arm.

"She left a one year old baby girl" she wipes her eyes.

"What's going to happen?" I ask.

"I don't know"

Emily falls back in my arms and I hold her while she cries, I felt her pain, it hurt me to see her like this.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now