17: Hips Don't Lie

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We had been at the party for almost three hours, I had four WKD blue, one MD 20/20 that I shared with Quil five or six Smirnoff ice, zero water, zero coke. Throughout my time at the party I had seen Paul many times, making out with many girls, Quil was right, he's quite the lady's man.

Right now I was drinking a mixture of WKD blue and Smirnoff Embry had made for me. Jacob, Embry, Quil and I were all jumping up and down, grabbing each other's hands and running in circles, to the beat of the music.

Jacob was spinning me in circles when Shakira's song Hips don't lie came on, I'd be lying if I said I didn't practice the whole dance routine and I was drunk enough to dance the whole thing.

'Ladies up in here tonight,
No fighting'

"I LOVE THIS SONG!" I yelled and got up on a table.

'We got the refugees up in here'

The boys watched amused as a crowd began to form.

'Shakira, Shakira'

"I never really knew that she could dance like this" I sing and move my hips. "She makes a man want to speak Spanish" I put my hands up and let my body roll to the music.

"COMO SE LLAMA?" I shout.

"SI!" The drunk teenager yells back.



"MI CASA! SU CASA" I wiggle my hair.

"SHAKIRA SHAKIRA!" They shout.

I dropped my hands to either side is my boobs, swaying my head left to right, my hair following the movement as my hips shook. I walked all over the table while belly dancing, the boys cheering me on was making my confidence brush through the roof and I got more in touched with the movements. I dropped my knees to the table and started running my hands through my hair and smiling at the boys that surrounded the table.

I reached over to a few of them, to others I blew kisses and got back up, running my hands through my body and shaking my hips. I did a quick three sixty while rapidly moving my butt to the rhythm of the song. I was sweating like crazy and I didn't care what so ever I was having so much fun. I started doing belly waves as I bend backwards until I was looking at the crowd upside down, I set my hands on the table and did a backwards cartwheel, when I landed I did a quick split.

"YOURE SO SEXY!" I heard a boy shout from the distance earning lots of laughs and more compliments.

"Oh boy" I sing in almost a moaning tone. "I can your body moving" I got low and grab a boys chin dragging his close to my face, our noses touching.

"Half animal, half man" I let go and stand up.

"I don't, don't really know what I'm doing" I shake my hips and lock eyes with Paul, who has a girl wrapped around his arms. "But you seem to have a plan" I smirk.

"My will and my self restraint" I grab Quil and help him get on the table. "Have come to fail now" I look at Paul. "Fail now" I grab him by the collar and kiss him.

'Baila en la calle de noche
Baila en la calle de día'

I dance around Quil.

'Baila en la calle de noche
Baila en la calle de día'

'I never really knew that she could dance like this'

"SHE MAKE A MAN WANT TO SPEAK SPANISH" Quil yelled while looking at me.

"COMO SE LLAMA?" I shouted again.




"MI CASA!" I shouted.

"SU CASA!" Quil finished.

"SHAKIRA, SHAKIRA" We all yelled.

"Oh baby when you talk like that, you know you got me hypnotized" Quil whispered from behind to my ear, his body was pressed against mine as we moved to the music.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now