59: Where else?

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3rd pov

"Bella?" Renée says as Bella opens her eyes. "Baby?.... Bella?" She whispers.


"Hey" Renée smiles.

"Where is he" Bella asks, referring to Edward. "Where's... where's Edward?"

"He's asleep, with your sister" She looks over at them and smiles at their relationship.

Edward was upright on the wall at the edge of the bed with an arm slung over Y/n, her head laid on his lap and her legs were stretched out on the rest of the bed.

"He never leaves" Renée adds. "And your dad, he's down at the cafeteria"

"What happened?" Bella asks.

"Well when you fell, you broke your leg, and you lost a lot of blood... you don't remember any of this do you?"

Bella looks around confused.

"Edward came down with his dad to try to convince you to come back to Forks, so you went over to their hotel and then you tripped and you fell down two flights of stairs went through a window"

Bella still with a confused look remembers the true events of the night and looks over at Edward.

"Yeah that sounds like me" She looks back at her mom.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry" Renée runs her hand through Bella's hair and her phone vibrates. "It's Phil, he's so worried about you"

"You're texting"

"Finally yeah" she chuckles. "I told him to stay down in Florida, honey you are gonna love Jacksonville, it's sunny everyday and we found the cutest little house and you've got your own bathroom"

"Mom I still want to live in Forks" Bella interrupts her mom.


"I want to live in Forks" Bella repeats. 

"Well okay, but we'll talk about it"

"Do you mind getting dad?... I have to talk to him.. apologize"

"Okay baby, I'll go get him" Renée kisses Bella's forehead. "And I'll go get a nurse, okay?"


Renée leaves the room, leaving only a fake sleeping Edward, Bella and a sleeping Y/n.

"So what happened?" Bella asks Edward once he opens his eyes. "Where's James?"

"We took care of it" Edward gently picks up Y/n head, letting the pillow under her head. "And the woman Victoria, she ran off" He sits by Bella.

"I'm alive because of you"

"No, you're in here because of me, the worst part of it was that I thought I wasn't going to be able to stop"

"You did stop" Bella argues back.

"Bella you gotta go to Jacksonville, so I can't hurt you anymore"

"What? N- yo- are you... No! No!" She stutters. "I- I don't even know what you're.. how.. what are you- what are you talking about? You want me to go away? I- I can't... no I can't just leave you"

"I know"

"We can't be apart.. you can't leave me.. us.. what about Y/n"

"I'm here"

"Okay just don't, you just can't say stuff like that to me.. ever"

"Where else am I gonna go?" He kisses her forehead.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now