108: My Mornings

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"Thank you, today was really good" I tell Paul as we stand by my front door.

"Yeah thank you for coming, you didn't have to but I'm glad you did"

"Yeah no problem I'm glad I met your parents and maybe don't introduce them to Olivia" I laugh.

"Don't worry I won't, they are leaving tomorrow anyways" He chuckles and shakes his head.

"Well I'll see you okay?" I start taking off the jacket.

"It's okay" He stops me. "Keep it you'll need it more than me" He smirks.

"Okay.. goodnight" I open the door and wave him goodbye then close it behind me.

✾  ✾  ✾  ✾  ✾  ✾  ✾

I rolled over 100% not ready for the day. Yesterday was so draining I'm so thankful I didn't have to go to school. I looked at the time and it was 7:30, Bella and dad had already left and I was home alone. I decided on my schedule for the day and got up to shower.

I grab my towels and head to the bathroom, I turn it on and leave it in the middle so it's not too hot or cold then I started brushing out my hair and teeth while I waited for the water.

Once I was done showering I dried myself and walk back to my room. I'm not doing much today except for going out with Quil later so my outfit was comfortable.

I check my phone before going downstairs and Quil had texted me good morning, my cheeks burned a bright red and I answered back

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I check my phone before going downstairs and Quil had texted me good morning, my cheeks burned a bright red and I answered back.

8:05a.m "Good morning to you too"

"How did you sleep?" 8:05a.m

8:07a.m "Good, I'm getting breakfast right now" I text as I'm going down the stairs.

"AI'm glad :)" 8:08a.m
"I'll text you when I'm on my way to your house" 8:08a.m

8:09a.m "Okay have a good day :)"

I smile at my phone and put it down on the counter. I grab the bag of bagels and take on out, cut it in half and throw them in the toaster while I put some water on the stove and get cream cheese out.

I can't lie, my mornings have been getting pretty repetitive aka pretty boring. I think I'll start doing yoga or running? Maybe even Zumba.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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