41: The Downside

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Rosalie drove me as far as the treaty allowed her, the rest of the way to Jake's house took me a total of 10 minutes from the treaty line to, when I got there I knocked on his window.

"What are you doing? someone can see you" Jake said when he opened the window and looked around to check if anyone was around.

"There's no one out here" I roll my eyes.

"How would you know"

"Shut up and let me in"

"I'll never get used to this" He moves out of the way to let me in.

"Me neither" I laugh and drop my bag on his desk.

"What's it like?" He sits on hi bed.

"It's amazing" I sit next to him. "It's like I can do anything, did you know I can help animals and plants" I laugh.

"You can?"

"Yeah with just one touch I can know what's wrong with a plant and I can understand animals"

"That's crazy, how is this even possible?"

"I don't really know, but apparently my biological family came from a long line of fairies, and my powers develop after a certain age, fifteen for me"

"And what are you planing to do with your new found gifts?"

"I don't know" I sigh. "There's a downside to my gift" I drop my head.

"What do you mean a downside?"

"If I don't control myself I can seriously hurt someone"

"Hurt someone how?"

"Okay um, I was training and they kept pushing me to my limits to I lashed out, I became someone else and almost killed a person"

"Training with who? And who did you almost kill"

"Jake that's not the point" I sigh.

"I'm just worried about you GOD! Y/n can't you see? I care and I want to know what's going on!" He stands up.

"Okay okay" I stand up and put my hands on his shoulder. "I'm fine I promise but there's some things I can't tell you"

"Why?! Why can't you tell me?"

"Jake please trust me" I say with pleading eyes.

"Don't give me those eyes" He says frustrated.

"Please Jake" I shake him rapidly.

"Oh my god okay okay" He chuckles and rolls his eyes.

"Thank you" I giggle and hug him. "Thank you for caring and being there for me"

"Always" He hugs me back.

"Alright, enough with the sappy shit, we have a party to get to"

"You never change"

"Never will" I let go of him and pat him making him laugh.

(A/n: sorry for not updating, but I was moving back to my country and took a small break, now I'm back:) let me know if I made any spelling mistakes)

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now