104: Determined

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Here we are in Embry's back yard, Sam and Jared are teaching him how to shift. I'm not sure why Sam's idea of gun is this but oh well.

"Why does Jacob know?" Pauls asks me.

"Because I got drunk and told him"

"And you really trust him"

"With my life"

"...there you go, keep going" Sam tells him. Heat starts coming off his body and with a small leap forward Embry fully transforms. Sam and Jared right behind him shift too.

"They are gonna go through the forest but we can take the car to Emily's" Paul says to me.

"Okay" I watch them go into the forest and then I walk away with Paul.

We get in the car and he gets a phone call. He looks at his phone and puts it away.

"You're not going to answer" I ask.

"It's just my dad" He turns on the truck.

"Oh.. how about some music?"

"Yeah" he says not very into it. 

"Or we can just talk" I suggest.


"Whatever is bothering you"

"You can't fix everything" He exhales.

"Im not trying to, I just want to be someone you can lean on.. that's it"

"And I thank you for that but there's nothing to talk about, they do what they want and I'm used to it"

"Okay, but I'm here if you need it, I wont even talk I'll just listen" I look at him while we approach Emily's.

"Thank you" He kisses my cheek.

"You're welcome" We get out of the truck.

The pack had already gotten here, Sam was walking with Embry. Jared comes over with his goofy smile and a loaf of energy.

"Why you so smiley" I ask.

"Our pack is growing" He sticks me up and spins me, I smile at his excitement.

"Too much" Paul says.

"Okay okay" Jared says and places me back down on my feet.

"Go inside with Emily" Paul demands with a soft voice.

"Yeah.. ok" I nod my head and walk away, but when I get inside I stay by the door to listen to their conversation.

"Why do you have to be like that? She's so sweet to your dumbass" Jared says.

"Stay out of my business and keep your hands to your self, do you hear me?"

"She's going to find out some da, if it's not from you.. from someone else and its going to be bad"

"You think I don't know that?" Paul's voice sounded annoyed.

"Seems like you don't, not everyone here is going to cover for you.. especially Jacob if he turns"

"Are you eavesdropping?" Emily whispers.

"Oh! My god" I slap my hand on my chest.

"That's what you get" She laughs and pulls me to the table. "Have a muffin"

"That wasn't nice" We both sit and I grab a muffin.

"Neither is spying" She raises an eyebrow at me.

"Well neither is keeping secrets from me" I cross my arms.

"Not my place"

"Yeah its no ones place so far" I bite my muffin.

"Honestly I don't know why he's doing this, and I don't understand why Sam is supporting it" she's also bites her muffin.

"Thank you, finally someone reasonable"

"About what?" Sam walks in with the rest of the boys.

"Nothing" We say in unison and we giggle.

➻  ➻  ➻  ➻  ➻  ➻  ➻

My day is ending pretty well. I'm sitting on the couch with Paul while eating Chinese. My dad and Paul are fusing over the game and I'm laughing at them. My phone vibrates and I check it... it was a Quilnasking how my day was, but with Paul next to me I decided to answer later.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now