47: Drop and Roll

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As Paul was running to wherever he was taking me, I was feeling the wind hit my body and slowly drifted to sleep on his warm fur.


As I was running in the forest of the reservation, I didn't know where to take her. I didn't want her at Emily's, I don't want anyone to see her, talk to her, or ask her anything. She's not in any conditions to be answering any questions and talking to people she doesn't know. My house is empty, big, and I'm not that far. She'll be safe there and it'll be just me and her.

God why am I being like this! Why am I so protective, this feeling is driving me crazy.

"Your thoughts are loud" I hear Sam's voice.

"Sorry I'm just frustrated right now, did you catch her?"

"No, she jumped to the Cullens side of the treaty and disappeared"

"But we'll get her next time" Jared adds.

"Will she keep coming after Y/n?"

"Maybe, I'm not sure"

"What are we going to do about it Sam?! We can't just leave her alone, plus did you see her tonight she's something else!" I shout.

"It's so cool dude, did you see her wings? And how she healed that deer, it was amazing"

"JARED" both Sam and I shout.


"When she wakes up we'll know more, maybe she'll be more open with you, because of the bond you share"

"What if she doesn't?"

"She will, she feels what you feel just doesn't understand"

"I can't do it, just being with her right now is driving me insane, I feel like I need to smother her or something"

"I know the urge to be with her is huge but you need to keep yourself in check everything will be fine, call us in the morning"

"But Sam!... Samm!" Of course.

As we arrived to my house, I felt her steady breathing, she had fallen asleep. How was I supposed to get her off of me without hurting her, I can't turn, I'll be naked and she'll still hurt herself. I look around and think of the next best thing. I drop down and slowly roll over until she was fully off me and making sure I didn't crush her or wake her up.

Once that was done, I shifted back and ran inside for some clothes and a blanket. I changed as quickly as possible and ran back out, placing the blanket over her small fragile body and picking her up to bring her inside. I placed her in couch and stared at her, she had pretty everything, pretty lashes, lips, nose, cheeks, it was impossible to stop looking at her. I snapped out of the trance and got up, I gave her one last look and made my way to the kitchen to heat up water for tea, once I was done I walked back to the living room and started a fire, the house was pretty cold and I didn't want her getting sick.

"Paul?" I hear a small voice coming from behind me.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now