81: Day Off

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After my painful conversation with Ben it left me thinking. Why is it so hard to just take Quil's side and stop talking to Paul, I have know Quil since we were children and Paul has been a real ass to all of us. Quil is my boyfriend but I still can't pull myself to just cut all ties with Paul.

The next morning I got up and walked to the bathroom in no mood for school. I showered, brushed my hair and teeth, as I was standing in front of the mirror I looked at myself and tried to figure out what I was going to do.

I got back to my room and picked out an outfit, the day was just starting and I already wanted it to be over.

I put my hair up and grabbed my bag, on the way down my phone started ringing

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I put my hair up and grabbed my bag, on the way down my phone started ringing.


"Do you not have my number saved?"

"I do, I'm just not in the mood to check who's calling"

"What's wrong is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine Paul I just want this week to be over already"

"How about you ditch school and we go do something"

"Ditch school?" I laugh. "I thought you said my education is important and I needed to focus"

"Yeah but you've been going hard it at, you've been juggling a lot of things lately"

"Hmm I don't know about this"

"Come on, it'll be fun, we can just lay around all day and have hot chocolate"

"Okay, yeah this sounds good, okay, will you be wolfing out? or getting your truck" I giggle.

"Haha I'll get the truck, we can stop by the diner and get some breakfast"

"Yeah okay" I smile.

"Okay I'll be there soon" He hangs up.

I go back upstairs and lay in my bed looking at the ceiling. I thought about Quil for a while, I wish he understood. But at the same time I don't know if I would understand if the situation was reversed. About twenty minutes have passed and I hear a honk outside. I look out my window and Paul was parked out front.

I grab my purse my keys and phone and leave my room.

"Good morning" Paul says rolling down the window.

"Good morning" I smile and get in the truck.

The drive to the diner was quiet and calm and quiet Paul had the radio on and they were playing very calm soft music. I stared out the window the whole ride.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now