Episode 2: Collin's spells

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"It's been long since I have been in a coma, an endless misery of being haunted by Herobrine and witnessing Armen's death. I still don't know if it is real or not. This is making me go crazy. I'm losing my mind. I am going to the magi guild today to see if they have any time I could come in to practice. Drake." Drake finished writing in his journal then put it in a secret drawer. "Alright time to go before time runs out" Drake says as he sprint out of room yelling to them "I am going to the magi guild now see you guys at lunch!" Drake started to run out then trip over the steps closing my eyes slowly. He then realized that he didn't hit the ground so Drake opened my eyes and seen that he was in my room again. "Did I just dream all of that?" Drake asked himself. "No you didn't'' a mysterious voice was heard. "Then I found it? I found the magi guild?" Drake asked being a bit confused. "No. You did not find us, we found you, you were simply at the wrong place at the wrong time." they said. "What do you mean by that? I corrupted the timeline?" Drake asked once again. "precisely. But since this is a magi guild and you were supposed to be here right now on the dot. We simply saved this timeline from being corrupted or eradicate  indefinitely." he said. "Ok that's a bit confusing but I can see why. But anyway who are you?" Drake asked. "I am what most people call the Mystery man, Magi Leader, or even Collin." he said. "Collin.. That's a nice name.. My twin brother Collin died from birth because my mother would've died she had no choice.. then Armen came along and after that she was dead an hour after that from a heart attack" Drake said. "Yes I know Drake our mother was a strong independent women and our dad wasn't always there but I lived from the spirits of myself and well continue to teach magic." he said softly. Drake looked at him trying to brush off the thought of him being the dead brother "Well, teach me all there is to magic. I need to learn these things so it would help me defeat Herobrine." Drake said. He nodded slowly as he showed me around the guild "these are my students" Collin said as he point and Drake waves. The place looked brand new? though the building on the outside looks trashed. Drake tried to not think about it too much. After a couple hours nothing much really happened Drake's powers wouldn't do anything. "thank you Collin but it won't happen again.." Drake said a little let down knowing it'll be worse to fight Herobrine now. "You're putting too much effort into it Drake just simply try without trying" he said as he summoned a portal pushing me with an air element into my real room. "What in the hell is going on?" Drake questioned himself. "back so soon?" Grayson said as everyone slowly walked in. "yeah.. yeah I guess so. Let's just go to lunch. I will explain everything later." He told them as he grabbed his keys going to the car. A couple hours passed by and Drake started to overthink to himself wondering what Collin meant by 'try without trying.' That doesn't even make any sense. "How do I try without trying?" He thought to myself while eating. When Drake was done eating he got up and went to the car "Hey you guys coming?" He asked them. "No sorry, we are gonna go hiking a little bit for a few hours." Armon said. "Ok I will be home if you guys need me'' Drake told them as he slowly started driving away. When Drake finally reached his house he started searching the entire place for a clue to summon a portal or at least something to use to summon a portal. Just then He found a bag of powder with a weird symbol on it. "hm maybe this would help me figure something out" Drake thought to himself as he noticed he was standing on a ritual circle. After Drake finished moving everything he slowly started thinking of where he should go. "I wanna find Minecraftia and go there. I need to find Minecraftia." Drake thought to himself as he dropped the powder and the ritual circle started glowing and everything began floating. Drake then began to notice his feet were off the ground then everything went white then faded to black. When Drake finally woke up and he couldn't figure out where he was but yet he figured it out. "Is this Minecraftia? Why is it all blocky?" Drake asked myself. Then Drake had this thought that smacked the back of my head. He started remembering everything now "I'm Drake, Armen's still gone but why am I back home? I fainted in hell?" Drake thought to himself while sighing softly. "Let's get my stuff together. I wanna summon a portal between my world and here I don't wanna just teleport here again." Drake told himself. Hours pass by and he's only started getting halfway done with packing. Drake slowly started getting exhausted then started eating some mutton he already had in his inventory and drinking some water he had as well. "Welp.. Halfway done.." Drake said out of breath. He noticed after a long while that everything started getting darker and darker. Drake then realized that it was night and needed some sleep. When Drake woke up he was full of energy and determined to get everything packed and ready. After another few hours of packing he finally got done and went to a desert temple to store my stuff and summon the portal between worlds and unpack some of his stuff. After an hour of packing his stuff in the temple he started eating the last of his food and then summoned a portal between worlds. "More experience in magic than my real world I guess." He thought to myself. After packing all his stuff into his room Drake went to the garage to store the rest of his stuff leaving the portal open thinking it'll close on it's own. After packing almost all his stuff he finally came back for the last bag full of a few stuff that are important to summoning portals and blueprints of the Fiery Sword to defeat Herobrine. When Drake finally entered his room he saw someone with a Herobrine head as a logo and words saying 'Sons of Herobrine' on a biker jacket stealing some of his stuff then looked at me and laughed while yelling "Long live Herobrine!" Then ran in the portal dropping a bag of teleportation dust as the portal closes and a knock of wind pushing everything back knocking Drake onto the floor. "What in the hell just happened?" Drake asked himself as he held the bag of dust and everyone ran into the room behind me.

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