Episode 11: Stuck in a Trance

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Drake Looks around watching his surroundings. "Guys I don't think we should stay here anymore I feel like our hide out is not gonna be protect for much longer" Drake said as he speed walks out of house as the others followed behind him only to be met with Herobrine on the street at the end of the block. Drake summond a fireball while grabbing his sword and gets ready to fight. Herobrine looks up while smiling with a phychotic evil smile. Drake was hesitant but threw the fireball as grayson unexpectedly runs up with the fiery sword swinging the fireball last second, hitting it with the fiery sword hitting Herobrines stomach dealing a bit of damage. As Herobrine lays there in shock not knowing what happened get got angry and got up. Grayson blink once and felt something was off. "Why are the clouds moving  faster than it needs to be?" He said before looking down to see his wife and children. "No.. No no no.." Grayson says as slowly backs away dropping the sword. "Grayson? whats wrong?" His wife said as her and the children glitched a bit only to then show cuts, bruises and blood all over their body. Grayson started crying slowly as their skin started to roast and melt off their body and the bones charred. "Grayson no!" Drake said when he dropped his sword. Herobrine laughed as he used his Telekinesis to make it float in the air. The fiery sword then started shaking as it completely shatters. A shard went passed Herobrine cutting his cheek a bit as he laughs deeply and evilly. Drake summoned water to wake up grayson as he looked up at Herobrine using fire and magic to create lava and throw it at Herobrines eyes to blind him for a second as drake teleports them away. Herobrine groaned with anger as he floats in the air making clouds appear and smiles. "Raise from the dead! Raise and Conquer this town!" He yells out as he Raises the dead and summons hundreds of thousands of undead. Drake teleported them to the hospital in Armons room. Drake sighs and looks at Jenna "You guys need to leave.. Take care of Grayson, he is stuck in a trance we do not know about for all we know he could be in a coma.. Sort of?" Drake said putting his hand on both their shoulders. Jenna looked at Drake and refused "No drake we are in this together and we are a team. We can't just split up!" She said as Drake looked away. "I'm sorry Jenna but.. I wasn't asking" He said as Jenna tried stopping him but it was to late. "No Drake wait!" She said as they get teleported to a log cabin in the forest. "Dammit!" She said as she sighed and turned on the TV. "At least this place has cable.." She thought to herself. Drake looked at the doctor. "How is he doc?" He said as he was concerned. "Well to start off he is healthy and recovering very well. He might wake up within the next month." The doctor said. "Giving him time and space will make things better he will be stressed at first but after an hour he will be ok" The doctor replied as he walked out of the room. "Everything will be ok." Drake thought to himself as sits in a chair looking out of the window. "Screaming and yelling such beautiful music." Herobrine smiled as he killed people and burned their homes. Herobrine laugh evilly as he floats down to the house and checks the things inside seeing what he can destroy. "Hmm I destroyed that damned fiery sword and now its time to see what else i can destroy" Herobrine said as he searched the entire house for things to destroy. "After an hour of looking for things I have finally found the things needed to be destroyed. Teleportation powder? Check, weapons? Check, armor? Check, financial funds? Check, food and drink supply? Check, and last but not least. Dragon egg? Check." He asks himself as he finished checking all the important things to burns as he smiles. "Bye-bye Teleportation powder." He says as he burns the powder. "Adios amigos" He says as he burns the food and drink supply. "I can make some real money of these babies" He said as he melts the armor. "They were about to break anyway" He said as he melted and burned the weapons. "Maybe i should invest in these financial funds.. Hmm.. Nah"  He said while burning all the bank cards, cash and marqs. "Finally my favorite. The dragon egg. I can make a whole omelette or scambled eggs for me, myself and I" He said while smiling throwing a fireball at the dragon egg but it revolved around it hitting Herobrine right in his eye. "Why you little!" Herobrine continued as he tried crushing it with earth magic but it teleports and falls on his head and teleports back onto the table but it hits the ground. "Ow! what the hell?!" He groaned angrily as he summoned lightning from his hand but reflects off the egg hitting him instead shocking him as he fell over and fainted onto the floor. Days pass by and Jenna was still in the cabin house. "You know what? I'm done im gonna get the hell out of here and go find drake. I can't stand being here anymore." Jenna said as she got up grabbed her backpack and packed food and supply then goes to her room getting some clothes and a blanket to keep warm from the rain. "Alright I have food, water, wagon to pull Grayson in since he is still in his trance, blanket, clothes, protection and finally my phone to keep in touch with Drake" Jenna said walking into the living room only to see Herobrine grabbing Grayson as smiles teleporting away. "No no no Grayson!" She yelled as she grabbed the supply and wagon going up the mountain as fast as she could. "Fastest way back to town.. Here we go!" She said as she put the supply in the wagon and ran a little too fast down the mountain hopping in the wagon traveling around the speed of 50 MPH back to town in the wagon. "Drake!" She cried out as she was holding on tightly to the wagon

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