Episode 14: Last Hope

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 Armon barrel rolled bringing the villager with him as he had to stay still for a second because he was light headed. "We need a sort of transport do you have bikes or anything?" Armon said as he looked at the villager. "No I dont we will have to walk.." The villager said as Armon let out a sigh and started to walk. Hours gone by and Armon and the villager finally made it back to the town. Nothing was left; everything was burned to a black ash and the villager seen that his family and homes burned down to a crisp. Armon never heard such a painful and horrifying scream all at once. the villager sat by the lake hense being the only thing that seemed to have life around there. Armon decided to look around giving them space and then went to see if anything was left. Armon seen a note knowing that Jenna left it. "Armon. As you can probably already tell this town has been destroyed.. I did my best to protect this town and its people but I failed.. I failed my family, I failed this town and I failed you.. Herobrine made a hellish landscape out of our house. I know you can't fight him on your own so make sure you look in the back of this paper and you kill this bastard once and for all!" Armon said while reading the note. Armon turned the paper over seeing a blue print. "No way.." Armon said with disbelief. "The blueprints for the Fiery sword!" Armon said with a smile while going towards the villager. "We will get revenge and we will avenge your family" Armon said while showing him the blueprints. "This will be enough to kill him" He helps him up and hugs him for comfort. Armon reached in his pocket for some teleportation dust and left it float in the air around him and the villager. Armon woke up in Minecraftia. "I havent been here for awhile." Armon said as he seen the villager passed out and dragged him to the closest inn. Armon then walked in the direction towards the imperial forge. Once armon finally made it to Ironmier he found the church seeing the secret hatch was still open and he went down and seen the book and the tree with the eye. "I remember you." Armon said as he read through the book noticing that theres more pages that there were before. Armon was flipping through the pages and noticing forbidden enchantments. "This will be useful for later" he said as he grabbed the book and went to the imperial forge entrance and felt that amazing feeling again as all his anxiety and fears went away. Armon went towards the melted metal slowly starting to melt the forge the metal into its handle. Armon then went towards the chest near the anvil grabbing the witches blood going back over to the handle collecting it and started making the blade. Once the blade finished Armon went over the the anvil forging the handle and blade together enchanting it with witches blood. "This feels as awesome as it did when Grayson first made this." Armon said as he enchants it with some of the forbidden enchantments and finally came back to the inn. The villager looked at Armon as he went up to the room and fell asleep. While Armon was sleeping the villager snuck up to Armon grabbing the rest of the teleportation powder gathering everyone in town around town teleporting them to the real world. The villager woke up and blew a horn so everyone else wakes up. The villager led them all towards the house. After hours of travelling they finally was met with the army of Herobrine and he led them all into battle. After what felt like hours the villager was all that was left. Armon woke up yawning softly as he went down looking for the villager. "Hey! where are you!?" Armon yelled out. Armon notices his pockets were a bit cold and her put his hands in his pocket feeling that the teleportation powder was gone and he gasped. "Oh no.." Armon quickly ran upstairs to grab his sword. Armon then closed his eyes and imagined clothe as much as he could. He kept his eyes closed and stabbed through it slicing it open. Armon then opened his eyes and seen that a threshold has opened. "Lets hope it takes me to where I need to go.." Armon said before he jumped through appearing at the town where he just was. "I need to go there fast.." Armon said as he ran towards the house. The villager met face to face with Herobrine and fought him. "He isnt going to survive.." Jenna said as Drake looked at her. "May notch have mercy on his soul.." Drake said. "He will make it.." Grayson said as he was coughing a bit of blood as he pulled out the cross of mercy from his pocket. Drake and Jenna looked at grayson surprised that Grayson was awake. "Grayson. Even if we had the cross of mercy theres no one that can use it" Drake said as Grayson smiled. "He will be here soon. Armon will be here." Grayson said before handing Drake the cross of mercy and passing out. Drake grabbed the cross of mercy holding it tightly as he looked back at the villager giving it all he's got. Armon notices that it was getting dark then summons fire around the sword so it lights up. "Is this really all thats left?.. Am I this worlds last hope?" Armon thought to himself before laying down on the groung looking up at the sky seeing all the stars. Armon lets out a soft sigh and covers himself up with a blanket he kept in his backpack. The villager eventually got exhausted and Herobrine grabbed him by the throat while smiling. Drake was a bit scared and pointed the cross of mercy at Herobrine freezing him and forcing him to let go of the villager. "I cant keep him like this for long! Run!" Drake said as he tries holding Herobrine. The villager eventually got up and ran away as Drake teleported the cross of mercy to the villager and passed out from how much energy he used just to keep Herobrine frozen. Armon woke up the next day with the villager by his side watching over him. "Here" The villager said after realizing he was waking up. Armon looked to see what was in his hand eventually seeing it was the cross of mercy. Armon grabbed it and watched the villager walk back towards the direction of the town. Armon eventually continued forward heading back towards the house. Armon eventually made it back home seeing the horrible things that Herobrine did to their town. The rest of the undead and Herobrines army sensed Armons presence and raced towards him. "A lone man with a large cross, the cross of mercy killing over 3000 undead. This man led what was left of minecraftia's last standing army and won." Armon had a faint memory of Grayson reading that book looking over at the army before him. "By the almight powers of notch" Armon said raising the cross at them. "I condemn you all back to hell!!" Armon finished as they all started to scream and the cross of mercy started glowing bright. Everyone started to burn and black hands came up dragging them all back to hell. Armon softly smiled coming around the corner unexpectedly greeting Herobrine. "Hello." Armon said. Herobrine looked at him a bit shocked but smiled. "I wasnt expecting you so soon. But I wasexpecting not to expect anything so it doesnt count." Herobrine said as he flew towards him leaving his fist out to punch him. Swiftly Armon moved out of the way jumping into the air and cut his back with the sword. Herobrine tried not to show it but his back was burning with pain. he teleported next to the dragon egg and smiled. "why dont you take this on for size!" Herobrine says as laughs evilly while hovering his hand over the egg as black smoke came out of his fingers swirling into the dragon egg. Herobrine waved goodbye teleporting away as the dragon egg cracked open as the baby dragon grew into a giant ender dragon. Armon sighed and focused on what needed to be done, even if it costed Drake his powers. The dragon roared a terrifying roar and shot a fire ball at Armon. Armon opened looking angry as his eyes were showing that the color changed to a bright glowing red while slicing as big as he could opening a threshold in front of him making another one appear behind the dragon. The fire ball went through the threshold hitting the dragon in the back of the head. As the dragon was stunned and vunerable Armon took an advantage and chopped her head off. The dragons body glew white and turned into white glowing particles and eventually vanished. Armon opened the cages and hugged his family and friends before passing out.

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