Episode 10: Nightmares

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Drake woke up screaming out of fear. "What.. What the fuck.." Drake thought to himself while Grayson ran in with his sword. Drake got up looking at Grayson. "I.. Think I just had a memory gap.." Drake said as he teleported to see Collin. Grayson was confused as he seen the dragon egg in Drakes room. "What the..?" Grayson said as he took it to his room and put it on some of his blankets leaving himself with nothing but a sheet. Grayson was cold but eventually fell asleep. "Grayson get up!! We are here to fight this damn demon who keeps destroying our empires castle and towns!! This is time for war not sleeping!!" Someone said as they helped Grayson up. "Huh.. What?" Grayson said wearing his outfit carrying a sword and a bow with a quiver of  arrowing around his back. Grayson looked at the guy noticing it was his best friend. "James?! where the hell are we!?" Grayson asked as he grabbed some injured men. "I'm getting these men to the medical hut!" Grayson said as he pulled them to the medical beds laying them on top of the bed. After hours of fighting Herobrine possessing Armon's body fled along with some of his demon slaves. The emperor gathered his men around the table and spoke loudly. "Tonight we celebrate! we go back home and feast on the last dragon that exist!! The magic dies out when the dragons do! and we can finally destroy all the mage's in the world!!" The emperor yelled as everyone started cheering. "We start with that half enderman freak!! Without him the world shall fear us all!!" Everyone cheered but Grayson knew who he meant. "Drake.." Grayson thought to himself as he secret grabbed his knife and stabbed his leg on Purpose. Grayson got up to cheer loud. "Yea! Shit!!" Grayson said in pain. "Sir I need to go bandage this up.." Grayson said to make an excuse to leave. The emperor nodded and asked James politely to go with him. Grayson and James went to the medical room. "James please wait outside.." Grayson said going in grabbing a backpack emptying everything out grabbing the dragon egg from a big chest and put it carefully in the backpack grabbing a parachute jumping out of the window gliding towards the lake. James looked inside the room for Grayson seeing the egg missing and ran to the emperor to tell him Grayson betrayed them. "I see.. Send guards to burn his house down with everything in it" The emperor said. "Sir with.. all due.." James said but was rudely interrupted. "SEND ALL THE GUARDS TO HIS HOUSE NOOOW!!!" He screamed scaring everyone who was in the dining room. James nods and left to go tell the guards. Grayson after an hour eventually made it home to see his house burnt to the ground with James standing there and nobody else. "I'm sorry Grayson.. I told the emperor.. I didn't expect him to be this mad.." James said as Grayson felt the rage in his blood and shot an arrow through his head and kept stabbing him until his face was nothing but moldy mushy flesh and blood. Days, weeks and even months went by and still Grayson talked to no one but found maps to the magical library in hopes to find a place the hatch the dragon egg and let it live freely. Grayson finished in the town Ul'den and went to the big bulletin board around the middle of the city. "Hey!" Someone said. Grayson froze knowing the emperor finally caught him. "Hello?" Grayson said getting ready to draw his sword. "That voice.." The stranger whispered under his breathe. "Grayson?" The stranger said as Grayson turned around. "Drake?" Grayson said looking at him. Grayson wake up quickly and screamed drawing his sword. Grayson breathed heavily as he eventually calmed down and sighed softly going to the mirror speaking in an ancient language to see his family again. Jenna walked in on Grayson talking to his family taking the egg going to Mya's room laying it on all the pillows as Jenna then fell asleep. She eventually woke up to her family being killed and slaughtered by the emperor and his men and took her. The emperor then trained her to become his right hand man. She knew someday that she would fight evil and become powerful but she was training for something else. She was secretly training to kill the empire and average her parents for what he did to them. "Jenna!" The emperor called her. "Yes my lord?" Jenna said as she knew she would search out to kill someone and become powerful enough to kill the emperor after this. "I need you to go kill our biggest trader yet. Grayson." The emperor said as Jenna nodded while thinking to herself. "No hard feelings Grayson but this is for my family I have to do this." She left to go search for them. After a whole day of searching she found them on a bridge. "There they are." Jenna smiled as she climbed and tree. Eventually Grayson and Drake came close enough. Jenna charged her bow and shot at Grayson. Without knowing thy were attacked Grayson walked out of the way as Drake was shot in the knee with the arrow. "Ack!!" Drake yelled out in pain. Grayson went to go fight the assassin as Jenna jumped and hit Grayson's sword with hers knocking him off balance kicking him back towards the edge of the river. Drake snapped and walked normal as if the Arrow didn't affect his knee. He uses his Telekinesis to force Jenna in the air and throw her. Jenna fled running back to the emperor. After she made it back the emperor was furious that she didn't come back with Grayson's head and threw her out. She was pissed and ran away. For days she was hungry she barely had enough water eventually she found another castle with another emperor inside. "My name is emperor Armon." Armon said while smiling. "AHH!!" Jenna screamed loud enough to wake herself up. She ran to the living room as Drake held her and rubbed her back to calm her down as she was crying. Grayson ran to her after grabbing the egg as it was leaking slime. "Oh shit! It's leaking!" Grayson ran outside as the dragon egg leaked more and the puddle of slime turned into words. Drake and Jenna eventually walked out to Grayson. "It's time for you guys to remember who you truly are." Grayson read out loud. "I remember.." Drake said as Grayson and Jenna looked at him with the facing of feeling the same way. "We have been in a hallucination this entire time..." Drake said.

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