Episode 5: Emperor Armon

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Grayson and Drake finally was able to reach Minecraftia without any problems or separations again. "huh? we are.. actually together this time and not thrown million miles across the universe this time" Grayson said as we started setting up camp near the old and ruined red keep. "Hey.. Grayson does this look a bit new to you? like if Herobrine just attacked this and just barely happened?" Drake said while looking around. "Yea.. that's kind of weird now that you mention it.. It's like that time when Armen was still possessed attacking and destroying the red keep as if it just happened" Grayson said as he was looking around as well. "lets go down to the train tunnel.." Drake said jumping down to the train station as Grayson followed him. "woah look look look look!" past Grayson said pointing at the little house made of cobbled stone. "woah woah there's someone down there" past Drake said. "I think that we should start heading the different way we went last time" Drake said while looking at the train squeezing his way through. "Are you sure that the best idea Drake?" Grayson said as he followed him. "shh Grayson look!" Drake said pointing behind him. Grayson looked then seen gasped running over to Drake. "what the hell?" Grayson whispered seeing past Drake and Past Grayson. Drake and Grayson decided to ignore it thinking it was really weird. "Grayson do you see that?" Drake said looking at the wall as it shows an arrow. Grayson looked at it seeing a minecart. "Grayson look minecarts!" Grayson said as he hopped in. Drake swallows his anxiety and hops in activating a level shooting us as fast as sound. When the carts finally stopped Grayson and Drake flew out of the carts and fell into a long fall pit landing in water fainting due to the speed. When Drake finally woke up Grayson was gone. "Grayson!! Where are you?!!" Drake yelled out for him. "Come on not again" Drake replied to himself running around looking for him. Drake seen foot prints then started following them. After awhile Drake found a big castle and went up to it seeing Grayson tied up to a target wall and seen archers shooting arrows at Grayson. Drake then used his telekinesis to throw the arrows back at the archers killing them one shot. Drake then ran over to Grayson untying him. Armon scuffs and walked back into his throne room whispering to his right hand man. "Kill them" Armon said as he walked away. Drake looked up at him and then grabs Grayson jumping up to the patio punching his right hand man. "Grayson come on wake up" Drake said shaking him softly. "Ngh.. Where are we..?" Grayson said groaning in pain looking up. "We found Armon.. And I think we're in trouble." Drake said while he started healing Grayson with health potions. "The physics in this world is completely strange" Grayson said as he was able to stand up again. "I see you snuck in here Drake" Armon said summoning a teal fireball. Drake summons a purple fireball getting ready to throw it at him. Armon smiles throwing the fireball at the guards grabbing Drake and Grayson's hands while running towards the dungeon opening a secret room then shuts it revealing a teleportation circle to the real world. Armon had a sigh of relief looking at them. "All this time. All along I have been waiting for you guys.. I had to fake everything until you guys came" Armon said while smiling. "But you almost killed Grayson." Drake said. "Wait what?!" Grayson said quickly after. "That was part of the plan I would use my magic to make the arrows miss Grayson until you came." Armon replied. Drake then grabbed their hands. "Lets just go home" Drake said as he brought them to the circle and teleported all of them home. "ahh this feels nice being home" Armon said as he tried summoning water to drink. "What my powers don't work here? awe.." Armon replied. "Yea there isn't any dragons here and magic died out when the dragons did so we can't use any magic" Drake said looking at the basement. "My dragon egg!" Grayson yelled out. "This is a perfect place we could hatch the egg!" Grayson said as everyone looked at him. "And we can use the dragon against Herobrine!" Armon replied. "It is settled. We will get the egg and hunt down Herobrine" Drake said while going down to the basement as everyone followed him. Jenna looked up at Armon. "Sir you found Grayson I failed you I will accept termination" Jenna said while looking up at him. "At ease Jenna I wanted you to find and protect him" Armon said as he untied her. "I will go after the egg you guys go after Mia that way we don't have to side track and she ends up getting killed." Grayson said as he went to the teleportation circle. "Got it I will find coordinates to Mia and set off with Armon and.. Jenna was your name?" Drake said as she nodded. "But there's no need I already know where to find her. She is in a warehouse near the badlands." Jenna said. "oh great more badlands." Armon said. "Alright it is settled I will teleport Grayson to Minecraftia to find the egg and we will set off to the warehouse to find Mia" Drake said as he heard yelling from upstairs as everyone grabbed their sword running upstairs. They seen that some of the Illagers came through because of the Evokers. "Ah come on! why do we always have to fight every second!" Grayson said as he ran inside with Drake fighting the Illagers. "Jenna there's water in my room run and get it!" Armon said as she ran to his room to get the water. Grayson gets knocked back into the wall as Drake keeps fighting off. Jenna then throws the water to Drake as he smiles as his purple eye glows along with his sword knocking the Illagers back as they were in the air. Drake then hovered over them kicking them back into the portal as Grayson gains cautiousness again grabbing Drakes feet as Drake pours the water on the roof to destroy the circle then Drake pulled him back into the portal. Drake and Grayson started breathing heavily and smiles at each other then goes to Armon and Jenna. "Alright Grayson are you ready?" Drake said to Grayson as he gave him teleportation powder as Grayson stepped on the portal. "Get the egg and go back to the red keep and go to the warehouse" Drake said. "I left the coordinates for when you get back just go there and the warehouse would be there in the badlands." Jenna said. Drake and Armon hugged Grayson before sending him off. "Be safe" They both said as they sent him off. Drake Armon and Jenna then went off to find Mia.

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