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I was walking in a little plaza with Isaac. We were enjoying our last authentic Italian gelato. We had just gotten back from the tour. We both completely ignored what had happened earlier that afternoon. He knew I would tell him if I wanted to. I had gotten close to Isaac but there were certain topics I never talked about. He knew it over well,and my mom was one of the of limits topic.

I laughed loudly pretending for yet again this afternoon that I was okay and all put together. I wasn't really paying attention but Isaac was laughing so I just pretended that I heard the joke and laughed. I had gotten so good at laughing as if I was actually laughing that not even Isaac could tell I was lying. I heard some scream help in Italian and I quickly turned to look at a young women about a year or two older than me crying as she held a man who was having a seizure. They where sitting on a park bench.

I didn't hesitate before I ran to the man and the women. I looked at her worried face and remembered the 11 year old me just like her. Terrified and not knowing what to do. The only difference was I had no one and she had me. I looked at her in the eyes and said "Do you know English?" She managed to slightly nod. I got down on my knees next to her and I looked up at her into the eyes. I was surprised at how calm I was but I didn't let myself get distracted I softly said "Do you know if this man has seizures?"

She managed to find her voice and said with a faint Italian hint in her voice "He does... We have been waiting for a couple of weeks and I have never seen him like this."

I softly nod "Continue to hold him time you are making sure he doesn't hurt himself." She nodes slowly indicating she understood my command. I looked up at Isaac who was standing next to me. He had this calm look to him. I managed to snap out of it and say "Get water and a straw." He nodes softly and turned to get what I ordered for. I turned back to the man who was starting to stop shaking so hard.

He finally got out of it and managed to sit up. I looked at him with a soft am I to indicate everything was fine. He managed to give me a half smile than he looked at the beautiful you women that was sitting next to him. I finally had time to actually see the girl. She had pure black sickly long hair that was up in a bun and beautiful piercing blue eyes. I looked at the man who had emerald eyes with dirty blonde hair. they were both slightly tanned. I focused again and said "Excuse me sir but if the reasons you had a seizure was because of not taking your pills you should take them." He nodes slowly and slowly reached into his pocket to take out a little pill box. His hands were shaking so bad I took the box from him. I wasn't being rude but I remember that after that you are supposed to let everyone do everything for you till you are better. I popped the lid open and slipped the pills into my hand. He looked at me as if he knew I knew the procedure. I grabbed pill by pill softly dropping them in his mouth then giving him some water before we moved onto another pill. I finished giving him the pills and a little water. He looked at me and said his thank you. I gave the girl the water and said "Let him relax for a while before you walk him back to his place." She nodded briefly.

I stood up grabbed Isaac's hand and basically pulled him to the hotel. He didn't resist he didn't say anything he just let me pull him all the way to the hotel. Even though at any moment he could have easily pulled me or done what ever he wanted. He was considerably stronger than me but he didn't. He just went with it knowing i was about to brake.

We made it to the hotel room and I made it to the bed and started to sob into the pillow. He sat next to me patiently waiting for me to calm down enough to tell him. I managed to stop the loud sobbing and turn it into tears just streaming down my cheek. Isaac softly reached out to softly clean the tears but they just kept coming so he finally gave up and let me rant like I always do when I cry "I have never told you why I don't talk to my mom have I? That girl did you see how she was sobbing I remember being like her. I really don't blame her. I was the same way when my mom had her first seizure in front of me as i was alone. That was also back when I still tried to please my mom. Did I tell you that once I was so terrified about telling my mom that the jeans she bought me where to small and I needed bigger ones because I was terrified to disappoint her. She constantly called me a brat and that wasn't enough for her. She never really showed me she cared. When she would kiss me on the cheek all I felt was cold and bitter because she no longer knew how to love me. Every time she told me she loved me I knew she was lying because she could no longer love anyone. I have found myself crying myself to sleep mostly because of her than anyone else. I no longer loved her but for some reason I had to please her. I had to make her proud of me and of everything I had done. That never happened. I don't talk to her because I no longer have anything to say to her. I have no loving and caring memories of my mother. All I remember is fight after fight after fight. That's why when I get frustrated I listen to loud music because when I lived with her all I did was run away by not being around her not spending anytime with her and not giving her a reason to nag. But I won't sit here and say it's all her fault I am so fucked up no it isn't her fault. It's all my fault. I fucked myself up and now I can no longer trust anyone. I want love but I know no one can when they know the truth. They can't look at me the same after they know I have depression. They can't look at me the same after they figure out I think about ways to die every day before going to sleep because the thought calms me and put me at enough peace to sleep. Why am I telling you this? You don't really care do you? I mean I don't blame you after hearing how fucked up I am. The door is wide open you don't have to stay to make me feel better."

Isaac softly put my head on his strong chest as he softly whispered "You think you can get rid of me that easy? I am sincerely offended." I laughed softly. I had nothing left of me so I just fell asleep.

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