Chapter 9

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I opened my eyes just now realizing that i had fallen asleep. I looked at my phone to see that i had slept through the whole night. I stood up and i went out in the kitchen to see Addy and Harry having a sickeningly sweet moment so i just walked to the bathroom not bothering to tell them their need for oxygen. I walked into the bathroom and quickly took of my shorts and the over sized shirt i had on. I turned un the cold water making it cold but not too cold. I opened the glass door and stepped into the small glass shower. I felt the cold water hit my body and i felt like gasping because of how cold it was against my warm skin. I didn't make the water any warmer letting my skin slowly adjust to the cold. I quickly washed every inch of my body. 

I walked out of the small glass shower getting a towel to dry my body. I wrapped the towel tightly peaking out of the bathroom to hear nothing coming . I softly sprinted across the short hallway between the guest room and the bathroom. I left small droplets of water that had been discarded from my hair. I could hear the small patter of my feet hitting the wooden floor hoping Addy and Harry where to engaged in what ever they where doing that they wouldn't come out to see me. I made it to my room with out getting found and i changed. 

I decided to put on a black shirt that said jack Daniels as if it were the label of the actual alcoholic beverage. I put on grey jeans and black combat boots.I slipped on a silver bracelet did my make up and then I slipped on a batman phone case on my phone. The phone case was white and the batman sign was black it seemed to be dripping and there was bats flying away as if they had made up the batman sign. i let my hair dry into its natural wavy mess. 

I opened my door just as harry was about to knock on my door. He smiled brightly at me and told me that everyone was coming over for dinner and they wanted to hear me sing. I smiled and nodded. I said nothing to him not willing my voice to say anything at this moment. He looked at me confused and worried because over the year even tough i had been in other places i had become really close to all the boys. So when he looked at me I knew he was looking for an answer so i simply said "That sound like fun." Then i walked passed him towards Addy. I smiled at her then i walked passed her too making my way to the kitchen. i started going through the pantry getting all the ingredients to make a chocolate peanut butter mousse cake. I like baking and i felt like baking so i put on an apron and started to mix the ingredients after turning on the oven. 

I looked up from the mixing bowl to Addy who rolled her eyes and turned to walk away and a still very confused Harry. I waited for him to ask the question i knew he was going to ask "What are you doing." I looked back at the bowl and continued to fold the ingredients and i said "Baking." He left me a lone realizing that i wasn't going to be more elaborate. I went on with my backing and by the time i was done baking the door swung open and Louis came in with Eleanor close behind him. He took one second to take in the smell of the cake before he was in the kitchen about ready to take some of the icing of the cake. I turned to him and smacked his hand away. He took his hand in his other hand and put on a 5 year old pouty face and said "Ow! That hurt!"  

I rolled my eyes but i smiled and i said "Don't touch the cake and you wont get hurt."

he mumbled "Okay" and walked into the living room where Elanor had situated herself with the other boys that had walked in shortly after them. Danielle came into the kitchen offering to help but i told her to sit down. i could see in her face that she did it reluctantly but she left. I reached for the phone calling for pizza before i sat down with them. I sat in between zayn and Eleanor. They all looked at me and i looked back at them saying "What?" Perrie gave me frantic look as if her life depended on it and she said "Sing!" I laughed "Do i have to" they all looked at me as if it was a mortal sin and then zayn said "You got Simon to say yes without even five seconds of thinking about it. You are an amazing singer! Now sing!" i looked down i rolled my eyes and said "fine" before i started to sing wrecking ball. I know horrible video shes way to much of a slut in the video but its the most amazing lyrics in the world. I only love it so much because it reminds me of why me and Niall broke up. He is the reason this song makes so much sense to me.

When i finished i looked up. I saw Niall's eyes glaze over. I looked at everyone else trying not to deal with this. I looked at everyone else and they all looked at me slightly surprised. I felt uncomfortable. So I felt thank full when i heard the doorbell ringing so i got up and got the pizza. I brought it in and everyone crowded around it getting their own slice. I grabbed a slice and Louis said "You got the meat lovers pizza" he then gave me a look telling me he was making a dirt joke. i rolled my eyes and said "Im sorry Louis i forgot your the meat lover. Here take the Pizza." He scowled at me while everyone laugh at my joke. Then i went on with eating my pizza. After we were done eating all five boxes of Pizza i pulled out the cake and we all ate it. 

As everyone was leaving I went into the guest room to look for my phone that i had left charging. After answering to a couple of texts i heard a soft knock on the door and i turned to see Niall looking at me. It was ridiculous how he could easily tower over me. I found my legs immediately touch the small nightstand next to the bed. I found myself for maybe the millionth time ,since i met Niall, trapped. He looked at me and he looked so broken. He looked torn to pieces and as if he had been hurt. He looked exactly like me when i look myself in the mirror. He looked empty. His eyes looked dead. They had lost every spark that they had ever had. This tore me i little more. It stole yet another piece of the very little will to live in me. I felt his cold hand reach for my cheek and he whispered softly "I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't want to hurt you. It was never my intention to wreck you. It was even harder when you left it hurt more than anything i had ever felt before." He placed a soft and tender kiss on my forehead before leaving the room.

My knees felt week and I leaned on the small nightstand to keep myself from collapsing. I took in a deep breath before letting a single tear slowly make its way down my cheek. I let it fall till it made its way to my shirt leaving a small almost unnoticeable stain in the shirt. I let this all happen before i reached for my phone and called the only person I wanted to talk to. Issac. 


Thank you for reading this chapter. I know its not that good. I tried. This is for my best friend she really likes this story and it was her birth day so it was dedicated to her. If you want the recipe to the cake it in the external link if you want to see  the outfit its here

thanks for reading it!

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