Chapter 10

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I woke up yet again in the same bed and i was slightly disoriented. You would be confused but when you spend most of your year going from place to place because you don't want to stay anywhere for to long because getting to attached to people would always concern me. I didn't want to get left again I didn't want to get hurt like I always do. There is no getting left if you leave first. This is the reason I was disoriented. For one i was in the same room and i wasn't tightly holding onto Issac. 


I called him last night. 

It all came back to me hitting me hard and making me sigh loudly as my shoulders slumped. 


I was left almost gasping for air when Niall left me. I was desperate. I wanted him back i wanted him forever. I was holding onto the edge of the nightstand and trying to catch my breath. It was one thing to look at me with those beautiful eyes but its another thing to kiss me so sweetly and nicely on the forehead when I needed it the most. I felt like I was going to lunge at him and take and forgive him everything he had ever done to me. It took all my strength not to go after him. 

I grabbed my phone and I called Issac automatically. He answered on the second ring and I almost whimpered his name. Before i knew it I was bombarded with questions. I sat on the bed and told him everything. When i was done i let go of a breath that I hadn't notices i was holding onto.

We stayed in silence for a while. I was unsure of what to say and he was processing what had just happened. He than answered with "So i leave my bitch for less than a week and shes already someone else's bitch." See in normal situations i would have been ready to slap him but at this moment I was missing him. I know it has been less than a week but i spent a whole year basically isolated from everyone else and he was the only person I talked to and i needed him in my life now.

This may sound weird for people who aren't dating but he was like an older brother to me we fight we insult each other but in the end we would do anything for each other. He mattered a lot to me. He was like my other Addy. He knew everything.

This is why i laughed. I laughed hard. After a while of talking i hung up with him and i just curled up in the covers and went to bed in make up and everything.


 I laid back down sighing even louder then before. Today was the last free day i would have for a while. Tomorrow was when Addy and I would practice for the concert. I closed my eyes feeling the weight crash down on me with in seconds. I breathed in deeply willing myself to get up and eat something. See during this year I had started to eat less and less till i started to skip whole meals. Not because I wasn't hungry but because no matter how far away I was from the boy I was still under the microscope from the fans. Constantly calling me the names I had been called for years. Sometimes these names came down on me so hard and so painfully I could almost feel my ribs crushing under them.

As a fan I never insulted any of the boys girlfriends despite my dislike for them at first as a victim of being bullied I refused to stoup to the level of the burlier but i couldn't say the same for my fellow fans. I loved them because they where almost like sisters to me but what most people don't see is that just because a person is famous it doesn't give us the right to criticize them so cruelly. Don't get me wrong you are allowed to have your opinion but to be simply cruel is a diff rent story. People don't get how by doing this they openly approve of bulling and that's how bullies grow to be. They see media and parents and just people in general rip these famous people to parts each saying a cruel thing for that one person. They may be famous but they are still people that feel and hurt just like us. Some even crumble just like us under the large amount of people insulting them. They are just being themselves they don't deserve to be treated like crap. 

I sighed for the third time this morning this time actually getting out of bed. I walked into the kitchen and saw a note from Harry saying that him and Addy had gone out for breakfast. I decided i did not want to stay in this house for much longer or i would go crazy so I walked to the bathroom taking a shower. I changed into a brown sweatshirt with mickey mouse in the middle off it. I put on some grey jeans then reaching for mismatched socks slipping on my black and grey vans. I put on mascara and foundation knowing that if i didn't media would tear me to pieces but not carrying enough to put all the make up i tend to put on. I put my hair up in a messy bun not carrying what it looked like. I put on smiley face earrings. I grabbed my messenger bag sticking my laptop and my wallet in it I took my headphones and my phone in my hand connecting them and putting my phone in my pocket letting the music flow through me instantly sending goosebumps through my body.  

I didn't have a car so I had to walk which quite frankly i didn't care. I was fine as long as i had the music and the cafe wasn't even that far away. So I started walking to the Cafe. About three miles left to go and i got swarmed by paparazzi's. Begging for my attention. I slowly but surely managed to shove my way past them. They fallowed me as I ran the rest of the way. The moment i got to the cafe I felt sheltered having the police now keeping them from going any further. I looked around seeing the small amount of people that where there starring at me either annoyed or with there mouth agape. I got to the counter ordering a chocolate chip muffin and a vanilla been frappe. I waited for my order and then when i got it i walked to a love seat situating myself on it placing my muffin and drink on the small table next to it. I opened my laptop starting my new chapter to my new story. 

Yet another unpublished story of mine. 

I sighed putting away the small thoughts that could make even the strongest person wafer. I typed fast not hearing anything and not paying attention to anyone. At this moment I was in my own bubble and no one could burst it. At least i thought until one man broke his way through the barrier of cops making his way into the coffee shop. I didn't notice this had happened till i saw the flashing lights. I looked up and was taken by surprise. It took me a moment to react but i quickly saved my work closing and shoving my laptop into my bag. I grabbed my muffin and drink and ran away from the paparazzi. The worker of the cafe lead me out back letting me leave. I made a mental note to come back later and thank her but at this moment i could do nothing but give her a kind smile as I desperately ran home. My drink thank heavens was almost done so it didn't splash As I ran with both it and the muffin in my hands. 

I ran all the way home. My legs became week at constant times causing me to want to collapse. I reached the house got inside locked the door and fell to my knees. I was gasping for air at this moment. I grabbed onto the edge of the table willing myself not to fall flat on my face. I looked up to see Addy looking down at me confused and i just gasped out the word "Paparazzi." she sighed and helped me up laying me down in the guest bed. 

This is definitely going to be a lot harder then I expected. 


Here you go my lovely fans! I hope you liked it! If you didn't make sure to comment why you didn't and if you did i would love to hear what you guys liked!

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