Chapter 11

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I pulled out my laptop as i set everything down. I decided to watch a movie so I pulled up Google and searched for one of my favourite movies "Anastasia" I had always adored it. The whole story fascinated me. Though obviously it was historical fiction and not fully the truth. I knew that the reason they actually died was because they where over thrown. I also knew that she was killed. That was what was thought to have happened to her. Her body was never found. This is why there have been girls saying it was them. They always proved that it wasn't her. I really liked the movie despite its historical incorrectness.

I reached to get the chocolate next to me. I was in the middle of the movie when Addy came in. She came in and sat down next to me. We watched the rest of the movie together. It was a fantastic movie and that's why I loved this movie.

When the movie ended we reached for the chocolate. We finished eating it. and then we walked into the living room and I saw Harry and Liam in the living room playing video games. It was BlackOpps so I grabbed a control and started to play. I came up behind Harry in the game and shanked him. Harry looked at me like he was about to kill me. Liam was laughing so I took the opportunity to do the same thing to him. He looked at me with the same grumpy cat look. I decided to run so fast that they wouldn't get me but i ended up getting shot in the back.

I put the remote down and walked away deciding I sucked to much at this game to try to win against both of them. They turned of the game. That is when Harry asked "So what do you want to do since you already got mobbed by paparazzi! You get to decided what where doing tonight." I felt a smile involuntarily creep across my face. I turned to Addy and she understood almost immediately.

She knew i wanted to go dancing so she smiled and rolled her eyes before she said "Fine ill get my curling iron you bring the make up and help me pick a dress." i did a little happy dance before i went to get my make up in my room leaving a confused Liam and Harry behind. 

I reached harry's and addy's bathroom with make up and my razor and stuff like that. You know when you go out you tend to want to look fantastic. We closed the bathroom door and we began the process of beautifying. I reached the bathtub and i started to shave my legs. I did this as Addy was in her room going through her dresses so i could help her choose. I finally finished and i reached for the robe that Addy had left me. I slipped it on and i tightened it as i walked out of the bathroom. I hadn't heard the rest of the guy come in so as i was walking out i saw Niall. I looked at him and my heart skipped a beat. His eyes weren't red but the were bags under his eyes and a sad look to them that made me think he had stayed up crying all night long. I felt the pang of guilt hit me again. I don't know why i didn't do anything he was the one that broke me to pieces little by little. I looked down and mumbled my hello before i looked back at him to see her was staying at me intensely and i couldn't take it anymore so i walked as fast as i could to Addy's and Harry's room. 

I reached the room and i saw the dresses laid out on the large coral colored duvet. I payed no attention to any of the other ones except for a tight one shoulder dress. This meant that one side of the dress was strapless but the other side had a long sleeve for her to slip her arm in. I didn't even think about it twice before i pointed at it and smiled she came out of her walk in closet with another dress looked at it and said fine "then don't see the other twenty dress i could wear." I smiled brightly and handed it to her and I was about to reach for the heals she had set out with them when i stopped myself. This was not at all like Addy so i picked them up and said "No."  simply before I went into her closet to put the shoes back. She fallowed me close behind protesting even more with each step i took. She was saying stuff like i thought you always wanted me to wear heals and i thought they where good for dancing and what a girl needs to wear. I turned simply shook my head shrugged and said "People say that but that isn't you so fuck them because you are perfect just the way you are." 

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