Chapter 7

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I looked at him then i laid my haed on his chest softly. I wanted to pretend he hadn't kissed someone else. I wanted him so badly but how could i trust him. I already had horrible trust issues before now i don''t know how i would be expected to look him in the eye and pretend that I didn't want to fly to Grecce right now and stay with Issac instead of with Niall's arms tightly wrapped around me. I couldn't do this. I didn't want to have to do this but i had to. I had promissed Addy i would do anythign for her and i couldn't just break all those years of promisses now. 

Nialls hands tightend around me bringign me closer to him and i could smell his wonderfull cologne that i had loved to smell as he pulled me even closer that was when i was brought back to reality i couldnt do this i couldn't date him. I put my hands on hischest and softly pushed hm away. I gave him a half smile and said "I have to go pee and after that i should leave I have a big day tomorrow."

I then grabed my bag and walked out witih addy and harry close behind. We went to there home without a word spoken and i went to my room and i tired to sleep. See the catch there I tired to sleep but i couldn't. So I decided to practice for my thing tomorrow with simon. I reached for my guitar and i pulled it out with my favorite pick. I had gottten it once from my sister for my 16 birthday it said lucky 13 and it had a grey pointy eared cat the letters where in black and the pick was complelt black it also said the original anf had a cross before the l and a cross after the 3. Besides it just being a pretty bad ass pick i liked it so much because my sister and I are close and this was for us to remeber each other that same year i found he the exact same pick and put it on a necklace so she could have it to remeber me.

I started to play the song softly so I wouldn't wake up Harry and Addy. They both had promised they would go with me to the meating in the morning so they went to bed so they could wake up early with me. I whispered the words more to my self then to anyone else. I had always loved this song and over the years and the betrayel and death this song started making more sence to me by the second. I decided this song because it had become my song. The one i could understanf and understood me back. I felt like i had to play this song because it had to show i was serious about my singing and what better way to do it then by singing a song that i put so much into to.

When i finished with the song I looked at my phone that had just started vibrating telling me someone was calling me. It was Issac so i smiled and aswered "Hello?" I could almowt here him smilling on the other side of the phone as he said "So how is london The place we had both vowed to never go back to."

"You vowed you wouldn't come back i said if it was for me i would never come back. I can't just break every promise I made Addy. I may be a messed up peice of shit but i don't brake my promisses."

He chuckled before he said "Well it isn't as fun in Grecce without you. I might have to replace you for another traveling companion slash fuck buddy."

I rolled my eyes "Ha-ha nice to know that my absence is waying your heart so heavily."

He laughed "So when is te whole audition thing for simon cowel."


"Fuck thats very soon. Well I really should leave you I have to do stuff." 

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