A love Found (4)

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Lisa awoke from her restless sleep at promptly six in the morning. After all these years of working at her parents' company, her body was now tuned to wake up at the same time every day. In the early stages of her marriage, this was a benefit as she gave the first half an hour of her day to her love. Some mornings she and Jennie would have breakfast together and other mornings, they would lie in bed just lost in conversations about anything and everything. These mornings were her favorite, they would spend the time locked in each other arms exploring one another bodies again and again and again. Unfortunately, those movements together slowly begin to dwindle. At first, Lisa paid no attention to it blaming it on their hectic lives. There was always some meeting Jennie needed to prepare for or documents she needed to read over before her workday begun. Other times, Jennie was simply too tired from the day before to spend any extra time with her.

The memory of those days from their fading marriage pulled at her heart causing all the happy thoughts to be replaced by despair and pain. Rising from the bed, she slowly made her way to the bathroom to change for the morning. She sighed as the warm water run down her back. Her thoughts running A hundred miles an hour. How did her life take such a turn? A year ago, she had everything she wanted. A loving mother who gave her more love than she knew what to do, a company to run, and a wife she thought would always be by her side. Now, however, all of that was gone. Not only did she have everything ripped from her, but she never felt so alone and so...inadequate. She was no longer a daughter, a CEO, or a wife so what did that make her? Where was she supposed to go now? Her tears mixed with the shower water as it run down her cheeks. With one hand holding her up, she rested against the bathroom wall.

As much as she wanted to despair, Jennie made that impossible for her. She needed that divorce paper. It was her only way to cut herself off from her completely, to her cut herself off from the pain and everything else. She turned the water off and headed back into her room to change. Three months, she thought to herself, three months and that was it, I could leave after that.

With thoughts words playing again and again in her mind, she walked into the kitchen to find herself something to eat, but what she found was something that froze her to the spot. Sitting by the table was Jennie. She remained rooted to the spot as she quietly talked to herself. Too soft for Lisa to hear her words, she observed the numerous plates of food spread out on the nicely decorated table. The breakfast menu for their cabin consisted of eggs, sausages, a large bowl of various assortment of fruits, and a tall stack of chocolate pancakes towering over everything else on the table. It was a sight to make her belly rumble but she simply stood there confused at what she walked in on.

When at last Jennie diverted her eyes in her direction she immediately jumped to her feet. Her fingers twitched nervously in her hands. At first, she did not meet Lisa's gaze. Lisa could not help but wonder what had the strong confident Jennie Kim on edge. In all the years they have known each other, Lisa could count on one hand how many times she has seen Jennie like this.

Jennie motioned to the table, her eyes finally meeting Lisa's "Breakfast? I made all the things I know you would like. I even have chocolate milk in the fridge."

Now it was Lisa's turn to be shocked. She racked her memories searching for the last time Jennie made her breakfast or at least ate with her but unfortunately, she came up empty. Her heart was stunned and her brain failed her. Her first thought was to open her arms and wrap them around the smaller woman, but she quickly stopped herself. This may have been what her heart wanted but it was not what was best for it.

"I'm not hungry actually," she lied and hoped her belly won't betray her, "I was thinking to head over and see what Jisoo and Chae are up to today." She turned when Jennie's hand found hers. With a tight grip on her hand, Jennie's eyes silently pleaded with her.

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