A Love Found 5

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After Kai departed from the group, everyone stood with their attention solely on Jennie. She stared at her cousin, at Chaeyoung, at the trees surrounding them, at the birds flying from branch to branch, everywhere but at Lisa. Never in her life had she felt so small and so vulnerable as she did at that moment. She rubbed her neck nervously as she cautiously formed the words of her defense. Though the picture did not sway in her favor, she hoped they would believe her side of the story.

Lisa was the one she loved. The one she wanted. Surely they must know that. Jisoo was about to address her when Lisa quickly interrupted while she moved closer to Jennie. All the while, Miyeon remained glued to her side like a lost puppy.

"What do you think you are doing? Is this what you meant when you said you wanted me back? To have me waiting for you while you and your boyfriend make out?"

Her statement hit Jennie in the stomach and gripped her by the throat. She could not breathe. Pain radiated throughout her body leaving her paralyzed. How could she believe she would kiss Kai. Jennie had been trying her best since they came to the resort and yet she thought the worse of her. But then again, she could not blame her.

For two she let another person into her heart and soul. She took Lisa's heart as well as her trust and shattered it into millions of pieces. Up until that moment, she truly believed she could win back her heart because from the day they met Lisa's heart have belonged to no one else but her. It seemed like the surest of things for them to mend their marriage. But now, with all that hate and scorn reflecting off those once-loving light brown eyes, she could not help but think that maybe she was wrong, maybe their relationship was beyond repair

"Lisa. You have every right to doubt me but you have to know, I didn't kiss him. He forced me too." Jennie defended herself.

"Just like he forced you to for the last two years?" Lisa challenged.

"No of course not. That was different. That was...."Jennie was at a loss for words as she once again failed to explain her behavior. Why was this so hard? This was Lisa. The one person she never had trouble expressing herself with. So why could she not do it now?

"Don't bother. I don't care anymore. You do what you want. As soon as these three months are over I am gone." Leaving behind the rest of her group, including a pleased Miyeon, she headed back to the rest of the hiking group.

Her heart broke at that moment. It felt just as it did the night Lisa left her. She ruined it. This was her second chance and she made things just as worse than before. She looked to Jisoo for help but found even her cousin looking disappointedly at her. There are no more chances.

With regrets filling her heart, she watched her Chaeyoung and Jisoo leave without her. All her strength left her as tears run down her cheeks. She truly believed they could have fixed things and now however the arrival of Kai proved her wrong.

With blurred vision and her head hanging low, she slowly made her way back to the hiking group. She walked like a woman who lost everything in her life. A woman who had nothing else to live for.

Dragging her feet, she arrived back with the group. All around people cluttered into their little group. The merry atmosphere surrounding the group contrasted greatly with the gloom inside of her. The eager voices of the crowd drifted to her, making her feel isolated. It was as if she was on a deserted island watching everyone from afar.

After the first sight of her, Kai rushed over and happily swung his hands around her. "I'm so glad you're here. Isn't it beautiful? I can see why people were so excited to see the tree." He said referring to the view in front of everyone.

Rooted ten feet away stood two tresses intertwined together. From the moment the tress broke the surface their trunks were wrapped around one another up to their branches and further. You could not tell with branch belong to which tree as they seemed to merge as well.

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