A Love Found 6

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With the ringing of her phone, Jennie rose from the bed with her heart pounding madly against her chest. It took her a while to organize her thoughts. Looking around the room with confusion she reached for her phone and answered uncertainly.

"Where are you? How did it go last night? Please say you two didn't kill each other." Jisoo ranted on with deep concern and a mixture of slight humor.

"Jisoo?" Jennie asked distortedly. "Why are you calling so early?"

There was a pause on the line before her cousin answered, "Um..what did you all do last night? It's after 8 in the morning."

Stunned by the time, Jennie sprang up from the bed and search the room. Since their arrival at the resort, Lisa would transform the couch near the window into her bed. It is there she slept every night and it is there Jennie would find her when she woke up every morning to make breakfast. On this particular morning, however, the couch was empty and the bedsheets were folded and rested neatly on the pillow.

Her heart became uncontrollable at the thought of Lisa leaving her behind that morning. After the night they had she naively believed their relationship now stood a chance against her actions in the past. But now, waking up alone in bed, made her feel rejected all over again.

"Jisoo, I'll talk to you later, I need to go."

"Wait, before you go, Chaeyoung and I wanted to invite you two to go dancing with us this evening." Jisoo eagerly asked.

Jennie let the idea run through her mind. As fun as it sounded, she was unsure if it was the best move. Things between her and Lisa were still fragile. It felt safer to stay inside rather than go out until things were more secured between them. The last thing they needed was for Kai to reappear and make a repeat of the day before.

"I'm sorry but I think we'd prefer to stay in tonight." She replied with her fingers lingering over the cut-off key.

Jisoo's voice deepened in response, "I'm sorry, I made you think I was asking but you don't have a choice. Chaeyoung will drag you out of the cabin if she has to. Her words."

Part of her was disappointed but another piece of her chuckled at the way her two friends thought it best to team up on her. She knew she was blessed to have their tough love in her life.

"You know, I think we will join you two this evening. A little dancing couldn't hurt. Now I really have to go. We'll see you two later." Despite the little panic forming in her throat, there was a little tingle in her belly at the thought of there being a 'we' once again. How she missed them being a couple.

With her thoughts back on track she raced from the bed and into the washroom and then into the living room. Both places were empty. With her hope hanging on by a thread, she fearfully dragged her feet through the kitchen's archway.

Her mouth dropped open and her heart fluttered at the sight which greater her. On the kitchen table was all of her favorite breakfast. The arms drifted up to her and surrounded her a warm pleasant feeling she has not experienced in a long time. The feeling of being cherished by the person she loved most.

Looking up from the mouthwatering view, she found a smiling Lisa standing near the kitchen table with a cupcake apron on. "I'm afraid my cooking skills are still not as good as yours but it should be tasty enough."

Tears began to blur her vision. "You did all this for me?" She asked.

"Well you have been making breakfast for me for the last three weeks for thought maybe you might enjoy waking up breakfast for a change." Lisa smoothly replied. The panic she felt before was slowly being dissolved, but not fast enough to go unnoticed.

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