The Maid (3)

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Chaeyoung's walkdown the hallway was more of an execution than a search party. The portraits, which was once her friends, now looked down on her with a mixture of sympathy and disgrace. She could not blame them. Why should she expect anything else? It was her parents after all who threw her into such a bleak future. The worse part of it all was Lisa.

Chaeyoung knew her parents well. To them the business was their number one priority. As such, her whole life had been set up to help further expand the business and ensure its stability. If this was anyone else she would have stood up to her parents and face the consequences. She dealt with her parents' force before and she was confident she could deal with it now. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for her best friend. Lisa's whole life have been governed by her parents. Chaeyoung knew in her heart the younger girl would not be brave enough to fight this nor would she be able to live with the consequences. It would suffocate her till there were no more joy inside of her. She could not let that happen to her best friend, but only Lisa could stop what was happening.

Without paying much attention to her surroundings, Chaeyoung was taken by surprise when she felt a body slammed into her right shoulder. Whatever hit her did not stop, but it kept on running as sounds of retreating footsteps echoed down the hall. On instincts, she braced herself against the wall to prevent herself from falling. Her heart throbbed loudly against her chest. When she was safely on her feet, she raised her head in time to see Lisa turning the corner and once again disappearing on her.

She looked on with confusion as to what made her friend react in a way. She glanced back to the direction came from and saw only one room close to her. With strong determination and a love filled heart, she walked towards the room and before she looked inside, she heard something that made her tremble from head to toe.

"I heard everything. I know what you told Lisa isn't true. I see it in your eyes whenever you're around her and whenever her name is mentioned. You would do anything for her, so why didn't you say yes to her?" It was a voice she would recognize anywhere. It was Jisoo. However, she had yet to learn was what her best friend had gotten herself into. Knowing she had to get to the bottom of whatever was going on, she remined silently by the door listening to the words Jennie shared.

As the seconds ticked by her heart ached more and more for the younger girl. Now she fully understood why she reacted as she did to the news of their engagement. Lisa's entire world was thrown into a whirlpool and she had no one to help her through. Her parents had betrayed her. The love of her life left her without telling her why and she was now being forced into a marriage with someone she was not in love with. However, the truly heartbreaking part of it all was Lisa's actions. Chaeyoung loved her best friend more than anyone else, and though Lisa always fought for the ones she loved, when it came to herself, she gave up without a second thought. The thought of going with the flow of things somehow seemed easier than standing up to her parents. Chaeyoung had to do something.

Moving slowly into the room she gentle introduced her presence, "Hi, I'm sorry for interrupting but..." However, she was quickly cut off by Jisoo.

"Ms. Park! I'm sorry I did not see you. We'll be out of your way in a few seconds." Chaeyoung watched in bewilderment as Jisoo wrapped her arms around her sister and tried to help her stand.

She moved to block the girl from going anywhere. "No, it's okay. That's not why I'm here anyway. I know I should not have been listening, but I heard everything, and I want to help."

Chaeyoung watched as Jisoo pondered on her offer. She looked down at Jennie and then back as Chaeyoung, her mind seeming to be focused only on one thing, Jennie's well-being.

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