The maid (2)

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To those who already read the previous chapter, please re read it. Changes were made nearing the end of it.


"I'm sorry Lisa, but today when Kai asked to court me, I said yes. I can't do this with you. Not anymore."

Jennie spoke the words she never thought she would. Her heart pounded against her chest the minute it was spoken and pleaded with her to take it back. After all, this was her Lisa. The one she loved since before she even knew what love was. It was their destiny to end up together.

"I..I don't...what?' she watched helplessly as she Lisa struggled to come to terms with it. Fighting the urge to move forward and comfort the tall woman in front of her, she swallowed the lump forming in her throat. She had to do this. It was better for her, even if she didn't realize it yet.

Jennie pushed forward. "Today with Kai, I realized how easy it would be with him. He and I came from the same background, there would be no complications but with you," Jennie paused as she released a sigh of defeat and bowed her head. She could no longer continue to look at her. "With you there would only be complications. Everywhere we turned there would be someone trying to tear us apart."

"We can get through," Lisa pleaded. Her voice was firm in her belief for their future together. "Once we stick together we can get through anything. Jennie I promise you; I'll be by your side through it all. I won't leave you alone. Just don't leave me."

"You can't make those sort of promises Lisa. You don't know what the future has in store for us. And love should not be that difficult. It should be easy and not have all these obstacles in the way. I'm sorry Lisa but I don't want to fight so hard to be with the person I marry. I don't want that to happen." She stopped there not daring to go further. The soft brown eyes which usually shone with love was now filled with an emptiness Jennie could not bear to stand. She had planned for this to be quick and easy, but nothing about this was either one of those.

Lisa came towards her, her expressions pleading with her. Gently, Lisa took Jennie hands' in hers and brought them to her lips. "I don't believe you. I know you love me. I felt it every time I held you in my arms and every time we kissed. Every time we made love."

Lisa brought Jennie's hands to her chest over her heart and passed her own hand through her hair and down to soft delicate facial features. "You are meant for me. Its always been like that and always will be. Tell me you love me. Just say those words and we can move forward and deal with whatever it is to come. Please. Jennie. Please don't do this."

A trail of tears overflowed from her eyes and down her checks. Unconsciously, Jennie raised her hand to wipe the tears away and then remembered the reason for them. She felt herself begin to break apart as she stared into the face of the woman who meant the world to her. How she wished things could be different. It would have been easier if they both had been born into the same class in society. Maybe then they would have been able to love each other freely without the outside world beating down against them.

"We were childish to think what we had would last," she begun to reply. Her soul was going to be beyond repair, she could feel it. "What we had was just a childish crush. We need to grow up and face reality Lisa. And the reality is we would never make it once everyone found out about us." Her lips trembled as her own tears fought to escape.

Jennie knew that was it. There was no going back. The damage to their relationship was done and she prayed Lisa would be okay. Yet, looking at her reaction she felt as if she took a knife and stabbed her in the chest. Lisa let her head drop forward and her hands fell to her side. She moved back away from Jennie like the woman was a plague swopping down on her. Lisa's hands clenched together. Her chest raised and fell in a fast-shallow manner. Jennie knew what was happening. She used to see it when they were little and Lisa's parents became overwhelming.

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