Never Coming Home Again Part 7

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Alana exhausted eventually fell asleep on the couch, her head resting on her sister's lap. The Police officers were still coming and going through the house and the reporters had camped out on the front lawn awaiting further updates.

Moti bent down and picked his youngest daughter up, she instinctively snuggled her face into his shoulder as he carried her down to her bedroom, gently he laid her down on her bed and put her small fluffy toy dog next to her before covering her with her duvet.

"Sweet dreams my baby girl." Moti said as he kissed his daughter's forehead.

One hour later Alana woke up and once she realised she was back in her room started screaming,


Moti and Donna rushed into their daughter's room and found Alana sitting up in her bed sobbing,

"Shush sweetie it's OK no one is going to come take you away." Donna said as she held her crying daughter,

"How do you know that? He took Danielle, what if he comes back and takes me?" Alana cried,

"Sweetheart he won't come and take you, especially with Detective Bosquet keeping watch over you." Moti said as he tried to reassure her,

"I don't wont to stay in here, can I please sleep in your bed Daddy please don't leave me in here." Alana cried.


"Good morning Danielle I hope you slept well, would you like to come upstairs with me to have breakfast?" The lady asked, "You have to promise to behave as we don't want to upset Charles. Do you think you can do that for me sweetheart?"

Danielle looked at the lady with big scared blue eyes and nodded.

"That's my good girl, OK how about we pick out a nice dress for you to change into." The lady said as she held her hand out towards Danielle.

Danielle hesitantly placed her small hand in the lady's and allowed the lady to lead her over to the wardrobe, together they chose a pale blue dress with pink flowers on it.

"Do I g...get to go h...home today?" Danielle quietly asked,

"Oh sweetheart you're already here, this is your home now." The lady told her, "Now lets get you changed and we'll go upstairs for breakfast."

The lady finished helping Danielle change into the pale blue dress and gently wiped her tears away,

"Please don't cry sweetheart your new daddy and mommy love you very much, we are going take real good care of you." The lady said,

She again took hold of Danielle's small hand and together they walked upstairs into a brightly yellow painted kitchen,

"Good morning Danielle, my my don't you look pretty today," Charles said, "I hope you like pancakes sweetheart?"

Danielle sat down at the table confused to why this man and woman were being so nice to her, she wanted to run away as soon as she could but her stomach had other ideas as it growled loudly.

Charles placed a plate of hot pancakes down in front of her,

"Maureen I'm sure Danielle would love some syrup for her pancakes, wouldn't you sweetheart?" Charles asked,

Danielle looked at the lady and nodded, the lady smiled and poured syrup over her pancakes,

"There you go sweetheart," Maureen said.

Danielle looked at the lady then at her pancakes,

"C...can I eat them?" Danielle asked,

"Of course you can, go right ahead, there's plenty more where those came from." Charles laughed as he watched Danielle dig into the pancakes.

After breakfast the lady took Danielle's hand again and led her back downstairs,

"Did you enjoy this morning Danielle?" She asked,

"Yes I...I really liked the pancakes." Danielle told her,

"Good I'm glad sweetheart, if you continue to be a good girl eventually you will be able to move upstairs into a much nicer, bigger bedroom, would you like that?" Maureen asked her,

"I...I just want to go home." Danielle told her,

"Danielle please I've already told you this is your home now so please no more asking about your old home or family," Maureen said as she opened the bedroom door, "Now I need you to continue being a good girl so you can come upstairs."

She gently pushed Danielle inside and closed and locked the door.

"No please I don't wont to stay in here, I've been good, please don't leave me in here." Danielle cried.

Thank you all for reading I hope you liked this chapter, comments and feedback always appreciated :)

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