You Were The One To Find

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"Mom so I was thinking since it's almost my birthday can we like maybe go to Disneyland? They're got a special deal on for this weekend only and I know Lonz would love to go, so can we mom pretty please." I begged hoping Mom will say yes.

"I don't know Este, your birthday is still over two weeks away," Donna said,

"I know Mom but like can't you make an exception and let me have an early birthday treat."

"I'll...I'll speak to your father and see what he thinks." Donna hesitantly replied,

I squealed and hugged my Mom,

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, you're the best Mom." I cried,

"I said we will see." Donna said.

I ran down the corridor and burst into Alana's room, I stopped and stared at the bare wall above Danielle's bed, it felt weird seeing all her posters gone, it was like the last part of my sister's existence was ripped down and thrown out with the trash, it made my heart feel heavy. A soft toy hit my face bringing me out of my daydream,

"Don't you ever knock." Alana asked me,

"Nope being the oldest I can come and go as I please." I teased her as I sat down on her bed, "So I like just spoke to Mom and guess what?"


"No I said guess what?"


"I'm not telling you until you guess." I continued to tease,

"Fine Mom told you you've won the prize for being the most annoying sister ever." Alana snapped,

"Annoying wow jeez thanks a lot Lonz, I guess then because I'm SOOOOOO annoying my bratty little sister wouldn't want to come to Disneyland with me for my birthday." I smugly replied,

"WHAT? NO WAY." Alana cried,

"Yes way." I said,

"But...but Mom said we...I mean how? Why now?" Alana asked confused,

"Because I asked her for my birthday and told her you'd love to go."

"Yes but no I mean Mom stopped mentioning Disneyland ever since D disappeared." Alana whispered.

Fuck I think to myself as I'd completely forgotten about that.


Donna and Moti took the girls down to the beach for the day, the girls enjoyed the freedom of running bare foot across the warm sand,

"OK girls, GIRLS." Moti called out to get his daughters attention, "Picture time then we'll go get ice creams."

The girls rush back towards their father laughing as they raced to be the first one back."

"YES I WIN." Este cried,

"Not...fair...your...legs...are...lon...ger." An out of breath Danielle moaned.

"Not my fault you haven't grown yet."Este said poking her tongue out at her sister.

"Shut up I have too grown." Danielle cried,

"Este stop teasing your sister. Don't worry Danielle everybody wins because we all get ice creams." Moti told them as he picked up Alana and put her on his shoulders,

"I want lots of ice cream Daddy." Alana told her Father,

"You better grow before we go to Disneyland otherwise you'll have to go on all the baby rides with Lanny." Este whispered to Danielle.

"DADDY Este said I can't go on the big rides when we go to Disneyland." Danielle said starting to cry,

"Este Ariel Haim what did I say about teasing your sister?" Moti asked, "Go stand next to your Mother."

"Cry baby." Este said as she went and stood next to Mrs. Haim,

"Don't you worry your pretty little head baby girl, in a couple of weeks you're going to have the best birthday at Disneyland." Moti reassured her.

"I'm going to be eight Daddy, I'll be able to ride all the big rides won't I?" A wide eyed Danielle asked,

"You'll be able to ride any ride you like Danielle." Moti smiled.

They asked a passerby to take a photo of them before they went and got ice creams,

Moti handed the first one to Danielle who absentmindedly wandered away as she concentrated on eating her ice cream, she walked straight into a man dropping her cone,

"Whoa careful little one," The man said, "Are you lost? Where's your Mommy?"

Danielle stepped back and looked up at the man with big round eyes before looking down at her ice cream now melting on the pavement. She didn't say a word.

"DANIELLE DANIELLE WHERE ARE YOU?" Donna yelled searching frantically for her daughter,

"Danielle is that your name? Is that your Mommy looking for you?" The man asked,

Donna finally spotted Danielle in the crowd and quickly caught up to her,

"Danielle you must not wander off like that honey." Donna said cautiously looking at the man,

"I guess she was enjoying her ice cream too much and didn't see where she was walking." The man told Donna,

"Say sorry to the gentleman honey." Donna told her daughter,

"No that's OK, It was just an accident, wasn't it Danielle." The man said as he smiled at her.

Donna took her daughter's hand and after apologizing to the man walked back to Motti,

"You have to be more careful Danielle and stay where I can see you and what have I said about talking to strangers?" Donna scolded

"I didn't talk to him, he was talking to me." Danielle replied,

"Well I don't want you even letting a stranger talk to you Danielle, now lets find your Dad and sisters."

"But what about my ice cream Mom." Danielle asked starting to cry,

The man watched the Haim family disappear into the crowd before walking back to his own car a black SUV with tinted windows.

"I think I've found the one." He said as he started the engine.

Thank you all for continuing to read, I hope you like the update, thank you also for commenting and voting I really appreciate it xxx :) Also need to give a shout out to JJ thank you for always being there when I need help xxx If you haven't already please go read  @forever_HAIMNZ 's story Falling.

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