Gonna Give You All Ch 10

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"Gabs yo don't forget we've got band practice at Zooey's house tonight." Danielle's friend reminds her as she got out of his car,

"Don't worry Toby Mom said she'll drop me over after dinner." Danielle replies,

"Cool so I'll see ya tonight, later dude." He says before driving off.

Danielle waves as he drives away then heads inside,

"MOM I'M HOME," She yells,

"Down the back sweetheart," Maureen replies,

Danielle leaves her school bag at the bottom of the staircase and walks out the back,

"Hi honey how was school?" Maureen asks,

"Good thanks I got a B plus on my science project," Danielle tells her,

"Oh Gabrielle that's wonderful news, your Dad is going to be so proud of you," Maureen says as she kisses Danielle's cheek,

"So um are you still OK to drop me over to Zooey's house after dinner for band practice?"

"Sure honey, how's the band going? When can your father and myself see you play?"

"Um it's getting there, we've been working on some really good songs and Toby reckons we should enter this music competition next month down town," Danielle says,

"That sounds like fun. I'll do a call around so everyone can come watch you." Maureen tells her,

"Oh Mom NO what if we end up sucking, I'd die of embarrassment," Danielle cries,

"Well all right then just your father and myself will attend." Maureen laughs, "But honey I know just how talented you are so there's no way you're going to as you put it 'suck'."

"Thanks Mom love ya." Danielle says as she hugs Maureen,

"Love you too honey," Maureen replies, "Do you have any homework?"

"Nope I got everything finished today in my free period," Danielle tells her,

"Well in that case you can help your Mom out by peeling the veggies ready for dinner."

"Will do but I just want to get my guitar and things ready to take over to Zooey's first." Danielle says as she rushes up the stairs to her bedroom.

Maureen laughs quietly to herself as she hears Danielle tuning her guitar, she heads to the kitchen to start preparing dinner knowing her daughter once she starts playing will completely forget to come back downstairs to peel the veggies.


Danielle grabs her gear out of the car, "Thank's Mom,"

"What time do you need me to come pick you up?" Maureen asks,

"Oh um I'm not sure, Toby might be able to drop me home, I'll call you later and let you know if I need a ride home Mom."

"OK but honey it's still a school night so please be home by ten PM." Maureen tells her,

"Will do, bye Mom." Danielle says before walking towards the opened garage,

"Alright the gangs all here. PARTY TIME." Toby yells holding his hands up,

"Oh my God could you be any more dorkier if you tried," Zooey laughs, "Hey Gabs,"

Danielle joins in the with the laughing as she puts her guitar case down and opens its,

"Sorry guys I've got to be home by ten so just a short practice tonight."

"Yeah that's OK Mom kinda mentioned we weren't to play too late tonight anyway." Zooey tells her,

"I still can't believe your dad brought you a Gibson guitar for your seventeenth birthday." Toby says as he strums Danielle's red Gibson.

"Yeah Gabs you totally have the best parents like forever." Zooey squealed.

"I know right." Danielle replied, "But I kinda needed a new one, my old guitar I've had for like forever  and just wasn't staying in tune any more."

"Your parents are totally rad dude," Toby says handing Danielle her guitar, he picks up his drumsticks, "Lets jam."


"Do you like your new room sweetheart?" Maureen asked Danielle,

"It's pretty," Danielle replied, "Could, could I ma...maybe get like a Spice Girls poster?"

Maureen smiled, "You can have whatever you want my beautiful Gabrielle."

"Knock knock." Charles said as he entered the bedroom, "I got you a little bedroom warming gift Gaby."

He placed the large wrapped parcel on the bed and stepped back as he watched Danielle,

"That's, that's for me?" Danielle asked with big wide eyes,

"Yup that's all for you baby girl."

Danielle squealed and rushed over to her new bed, she tore at the wrapping paper until she was left holding a soft leather bag, she opened the zip and pulled out a shiny white electric guitar,

Maureen wrapped her arms around Charles and smiled at him before she returned her gaze back to Danielle, the young girl had the biggest smile across her face as she held the guitar.

"We've arranged for you to have lessons Gabrielle."Charles told her,

"That is if you want lessons sweetheart." Maureen said,

Danielle started strumming the guitar, she looked at them both and smiled as she nodded her head.

Sorry for such a long delay in updating, thank you all for continuing to read, I hope you like the chapter, would love to hear your comments :)

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