Will We Ever Laugh Again

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I hear loud noises coming from Alana's room and rush in to find her destroying Danielle's side of the room, she has ripped down all of Danielle's Little Mermaid and Belle posters, torn pieces laid scattered across the bed and floor.

""Hey Lonz whoa, whoa, whoa sissy what are you doing?" I cried,

"I can't stand it anymore. It's like everywhere I look there's constant reminders taunting me." Alana cried, "I hate not knowing, where is she? Is she dead? Alive? Where? Who took her? Why?" 

Yes the not knowing what happen to my younger sister is definitely the hardest thing to deal with, I think to myself as I watch my baby sister curl into a ball on the floor, I sigh and go over and sit with her,

"I don't have the answers baby girl, I wish I did," I told her as I rubbed her back,

"Danielle's dead isn't she?" Alana said in a muffled voice,

"Honestly I don't know Lonz." I told her.

"She has to be because why else wouldn't she come back home to us." Alana asked, "Sometimes I feel like you would've all been better off if I'd been taken instead."

"No don't you dare say that Alana, I couldn't bare losing you and Danielle would hate hearing you speak like that OK so don't you ever say something like that ever again." I cried.

"I just need to know where she is, why she didn't come back to us." Alana sobbed against my shoulder

I've had the same thoughts run through my mind over and over, surely if Danielle was still alive she'd have tried contacting us by now or found her way back to us, but the thought of thinking my sister could be out there somewhere lying in an unmarked grave or worse her body just dumped somewhere breaks my heart.


Este woke to hear her Mom screaming Danielle's name, she opened her bedroom door to find all the lights on, her Dad rushed back down the hallway fully dressed, Este tried to wipe the sleep from her eyes,

"What's going on?" She asked in a sleepy voice,

"Danielle is missing, someone has taken your sister." Moti told her, his voice full of concern,

"What do you mean Dad? Who?" Este asked, she goes into her sister's bedroom where she finds her Mom sitting on Danielle's bed crying, holding Alana.

"Donna call the police." Moti said before running out the front door, Este ran back into her bedroom where she grabbed her shoes and chased after her father,

"Dad. DAD WAIT." She shouted,

"Este go back inside to your mother." Moti told her,

"No I wanna help you look for Danielle." Este cried,

Moti knew there wasn't time to waste and grabbed his daughter's hand, together they ran down the block frantically searching everywhere,

"DANIELLE, DANIELLE." They yelled,

 Este slowed to a walking pace, Moti picked her up and ran back to their house. They jumped into their car to continue searching for Danielle, after twenty minutes with no sign of his missing daughter Moti drove back to his house, seeing all the flashing blue and red lights and people everywhere he grabbed Este and rushed inside.

"Donna Donna." Moti called out.


"Mr and Mrs Haim if you are up to it I think it would help if you could give a short statement. Whoever has taken Danielle could be watching the news channels, keep your statement short but make sure you use Danielle's name, this hopefully will help Danielle's abductor see Danielle not just as an object but as a young girl whose parents miss her deeply and need her to return to them." Detective Bosquet.

The Haim family together step outside and speak to the reporters gathered on their front lawn.

"Our beautiful daughter Danielle Sari Haim was taken from her bedroom tonight, whoever took Danielle please if you are watching we beg you to not harm our baby girl and to please, please return Danielle to us. Danielle honey we love you so very much." Donna cries.

Flashing bulbs everywhere and reporters trying to speak over one another frighten Alana, Este leads her back inside and hugs her tightly as they sit on the couch.

"Why did he take her?" Alana whispered so quietly Este almost didn't hear her.

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