I've Been Lied To Ch 16

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"Joe I want you to take all the samples back to our lab and make sure a rush is put on it, this family has been waiting nine years, I only want them waiting one to two days maximum for the results." Detective Bosquet explains handing him Danielle's DNA swab.

Manu phones Donna and updates her on what they have found so far.

"Officers will be calling around any moment to take DNA swabs from both yourself and Moti, we've also put a rush on things so we should have the results back in the next two days. Donna as soon as I anything I will notify you straight away."


Donna places the phone back on the cradle and collapses down on to the floor sobbing. I see my Mom and sprint over to her, kneeling down next to her,

"Mom MOM what's happened? Are you OK? Who was on the phone? Has it something to do with Danielle?"

Alana hearing the commotion runs into the kitchen,

"What's happened? Mom what's wrong?" She asks,

"They've found Danielle, they've found my baby girl, my beautiful Danielle." Mom sobs,

"What? Are you sure Mom?" I ask, "What did they say? Was that Detective Bosquet on the phone just now?"

"Danielle's alive?" Alana asks in disbelief, "She's really alive?"

"Moti Moti we have to get ready," Mom calls out, "As soon as Manu rings with the DNA results we are going to have to drive down to San Diego, I want to be with my baby girl as soon as I can."

"Ah Mom do you think it's wise to go rushing all the way down there before you know for sure everything that's going on?" I ask, "Like what if Danielle isn't ready to see you just yet, I mean it has been nine years."

"Don't be silly Este of course my baby girl will want to see her own mother." Mom says, she heads of towards her room calling out Dad's name.

"Danielle's really alive, after all this time E she's really coming home?" Alana says interrupting my thoughts.

"Ah yeah Lonz Danielle is coming home." I reply still not quite believing the words coming out if my mouth.


"Gabrielle would you like another drink or something to eat? A burger perhaps?" Manu asks as he pops his head inside the interview room,

Danielle shakes her head no,

"OK Gabrielle, ah Mrs. McGuire could I possibly see you outside for a moment?" He asks, once outside Detective Bosquet closes the door, "So how do you think Gabrielle is going with processing everything right now?"

"Hard to say, she hasn't exactly opened up to me but she's very loyal to this couple and sees them as her parents, so it's not going to be easy for her to believe what you have told her." Mrs. McGuire explains,

"That's what I was afraid of, I've organised for a child psychiatrist to come and assess Gabrielle tomorrow, it might be best if you were to go with her back to her home so she could pack a bag of her personal belongings before going to the motel."

"Yes allowing her to collect some of her things might help her. Detective are you one hundred percent positive Gabrielle is this abducted girl Danielle?" Mrs.McGuire asks,

"I have a strong gut feeling yes Gabrielle is Danielle Haim plus all the evidence is certainly pointing that way, we will have a definite answer once the results of the DNA come through."

"And then what? You can't expect her to just forget the last nine years and go start a new life with a family she doesn't know."

"Look it's not going to be an easy transition, which is why we've organised for the psychiatrist to spend time with Gabrielle to help her through all of this. I mean having to get used to a different name all over again it's not going to be easy."

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