I'll Never Forget You

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Este POV

"Pancakes awesome," Alana said, she sat down at the table and proceeded to pile the freshly cooked pancakes onto her plate, "Hey where's the syrup?"

"Wherever you left it last nincompoop." I said, and continued to drink my coffee,

Alana poked her tongue out at me as she got up to find the syrup,

"Mom I can't find the syrup,"

"Did you look in the pantry?" Mom asked,

"Yes, it's not here," Alana moaned,

"Check the fridge," Mom told her,

"It's not in the fridge, don't tell me we're out of syrup." Alana complained sitting back down at the table, I watched her screw her face up as she finally noticed Danielle's birthday presents, 

"Oh shit," I heard her mumble under her breath before she turned to look at me, 

"Did you forget?" I mouthed at her, she shook her head,

"Here Alana," Mom said putting the syrup bottle on the table," If it had teeth it would've bit you."

"Thanks Mom you're the best." Alana said.

"Este could you grab me a few things from the store on your way home today please." Mom asked me,

"Yeah sure Mom just write down what you need." I told her,

I swear my kid sister is a never ending garbage truck, I watched her polish of six pancakes in under five minutes, I'm amazed she isn't the size of a house with the amount of food she eats daily,

"Shit I'm gonna be late." Alana said grabbing her lunch bag, "Love ya Mom, love ya Sissy."

She kissed us both on the cheek,

"Oh Mom don't forget I'm sleeping over at Sofie's tonight, her sister's gonna drive us home." Alana quickly tells Mom without looking at her,

Damn she did forget Danielle's birthday I think to myself, I remained quiet and noticed my Mom's hands tightened their grip on the spatula she was holding,

"What do you mean you're sleeping over at Sofie's tonight?" Mom asked Alana,

"I told you about this the other week Mom,"

"No you didn't."

"I did Mom, remember I told you we have an assignment due and Sofie's dad is gonna help us work on it tonight."

"Well you've just going to have to apologize and reschedule because you're not sleeping over anywhere tonight, I want you to come straight home from school today so you can help me put up the decorations for your sister's party."

"That's not fair, I can't just cancel on Sofie," Alana cried,

"You can and you will young lady, I want you all home tonight,"

"Oh this is total bullshit,"

"Alana Mychal Haim don't you use that kind of language in my house,"

"Why? Anyway I don't care and no I'm not coming home tonight, I'm going to Sofie's." Alana shouted,

Damn I didn't think Alana had it in her to speak to my Mom that way,

"Continue to back chat me Alana and you'll be grounded for the rest of this month." Mom said in a raised voice,

"I'm not back chatting you I'm just sick and tired of you only ever thinking about Danielle, Danielle this, Danielle that, well guess what Mom she's not fucking here so why are we even doing this year after year? We're celebrating with a ghost not Danielle, it's stupid and I hate you, I hate you for making us do this. I don't want to sit at the table and stare at an empty chair. I hate you for only ever thinking about Danielle and never me." Alana screamed at Mom before running out of the kitchen,

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