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We galloped away towards the train. We quickly made it and followed the train, trying to switch from our horses to the train.

Dad got onto the train first, after that Marty got on, I was last. I went as fast as I could, trying to get off the horse and onto the train, but my dress got stuck, making me slip. I threw my arms around it's neck and held on for my dear life.

"I-I can't!" I exclaimed as I looked up to Marty with fear in my eyes. I couldn't do it, I couldn't let go. One wrong step and I was dead. This wasn't the same as in 2015, where they'd just pull me inside and fix my leg, we couldn't do that and I was not planning on dying today. Marty stared back to me, his eyes scanning over my body.

"Take it off!" Marty yelled as he motioned to my dress. My mind was spinning and the only thing that came to mind was me taking it off for him, his hands caressing my body. And while that was a lovely thought, it wasn't the right time.

"What-" I said after a second of silence and sent him a confused look.
"Not like that, Y/n!" I rolled my eyes and undid the first layer of my dress. It slid to the ground, where it got torn apart. The moment the first layer was off, a cold feeling spread through my body. A shiver ran down my spine and goosebumps erupted all over my body.

"Okay, now try again, I got you!" He extended his hand. I let out a shaky breath and closed my eyes for a second. "I promise!" I opened my eyes and reached for his hand.
"You sure you got me?" I questioned once I got it. He nodded and held me tightly with two arms.

I moved my body towards the train and like Marty said, he got me. He pulled me onto it and I held him tightly. I felt like if I let go, I'd fall.

"I got you, I got you." He said softly. I let out a shaky breath before looking up. "See? Everything is alright." I nodded. "Here, put this on." He gave me his poncho. "This way you'll stay warm." I smiled and pulled it over my body, immediately feeling warmer. "Okay, now let's go, okay?"

"Up! We've got to go up!" Dad pointed upwards and to the ladder in front of us. I sighed as Marty and dad climbed on first and I followed after them.

We ran over the train, the wind blew my hair into my face as we were trying to reach the front.

"Masks on!" We pulled our bandanas onto our noses, so that we wouldn't breath in any of the gasses. We climbed over the wood and into the cabin.

"Freeze!" Dad cocked a gun at the machinist.
"Is this a holdup?" The engineer questioned as he put his hands up. Dad and I looked at each other.

"It's a science experiment!" I exclaimed after a second.
"Stop the train before you hit the switch track up ahead." Dad said. The train slowly stopped and Marty changed the tracks, while I shooed the people out of the cabin.

"Uncouple the cars from the tender." Dad pointed the gun at them, they did as he said and we slowly moved towards the DeLorean.

Marty climbed back onto the train and dad whistled with the whistle, smiling like he was a kid in a candy store.

The train stopped right in front of the DeLorean and we got out.

"Stupid skirt..." I walked towards the DeLorean and looked inside. "I'm the smartest person alive." I smiled and grabbed the jeans and blouse I left in the time vehicle. "I don't care what you want, I can't move in this and I'm putting this on." I tugged on Marty's arm. "And you better shield me from other people's sight." He nodded and stood infront of me, eyes on the DeLorean, while I was on the other side.

I took off the uncomfortable dress and put on the blouse and jeans, along with sneakers.

"That's much better, I can move normally now." I laughed as I put the dress on the ground. "FUCK YOU DRESS! FUCK YOU!" Marty laughed before he went to help my dad.

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