A plan

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(Please excuse my drawing skills in this chapter. I did not do my best- This took 5 minutes...)

Mentions of sexual assault!

Once I had reached the blacksmith shop, I took a deep breath and went inside.

"Dad? Are you home?" A loud gasp was heard from behind his 'refrigerator.'
"Y/N? Y/N, IS THAT YOU?" He ran towards me, goggles on his forehead. "IT IS YOU, I WANT TO APOLOGISE-" He cleared his throat. "I want to apologise..."
"Apology not accepted until we have a plan for a time machine." He smiled at me and took off the goggles. "How'd you even get these?" I took them from his hands. "They aren't invented yet..."
"They were still in the Time machine when I first got here and I forgot about them until now." I chuckled and was about to say something, till there was a knock on the door.

"Emmet?" Clara. "Emmet are you here?" She opened the door and saw me. "Oh. Y/n." A small smile made it's way onto her face. "I see you-"
"No." I said and walked towards my dad's bedroom. "I don't want to talk to you. Atleast not now, maybe later." I grabbed a small sketchbook and a pen. After I grabbed that, I ran back to them. "I'll see you later, dad, I'm gonna think of a plan." I kissed his cheek and ran towards the café from earlier.

"Do you guys serve coffee?" I asked as I sat down at the bar. The man behind the bar nodded.
"Thought you would be leaving?" He said as he made me some coffee.
"Oh, I was, my boyfriend left... I stayed here with my dad and his girlfriend." He rolled his eyes and gave me the coffee. "Thanks." I put the sketchbook down and started sketching.

Time passed and before I knew it, I had been sitting here for 5+ hours, drawing a train, drinking coffee, making a plan.

"DONE! IT'S DONE!" I smiled and picked up my sketchbook. I grabbed my sketchbook and ran back towards dad's house, without paying or paying attention to anything or anyone.

I opened the door and ran inside.

"I GOT IT! THE PLAN IS DONE!" I shoved the sketchbook into dad's arms. "It is waterproof, it'll definitely work!" I sat down on a chair. "Well.. Except for the fact that it'll only be good for a one time travel and that we'll have to make a stop in 2015..."
"2015?" Clara's voice boomed from the garden. "What? What are you talking about, Y/n?" I glared at Clara and showed her my plan.

 "What? What are you talking about, Y/n?" I glared at Clara and showed her my plan

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(Hope you can read everything and please pretend that Y/n drew + wrote that all. Thanks.)

"So, my plan is that we'll steal another train..." I smiled innocently. "We'll put a thing into that, that will spin very fast with the help of the fuel thingy on front, and if the spinning wheel thingy hits 88 miles per hour, well, we know what'll happen then... But of course, the train needs to move as well, so at the back we'll have a thingy that'll throw coal im when needed. We also need some tubes to put on the side, so that everything is connected and that the fuel can reach the spinning thing." I had started to pace around the room. Dad looked at me, his mouth slightly agape.

"It took me, what? 30 years to fully create everything for the DeLorean and you- you just made this in 6 hours?" He looked at me, then at Clara and then at the sketchbook.
"Guess I got your brains, didn't I?" I smirked as I closed the sketchbook. "So, I'll go to the trainstation and ask about a train or something. And if they start to accuse me and stuff, I'll just- I don't know, I'll think of something." I put the sketchbook in my bag, as well as a big stick to hit people with, and went outside to Tucker.

"Hi, Tucker." I smiled and gave him some food. "Ready to go to the trains, boy?" I petted his manes softly.

After he had finished his food, I untied him and went towards the trains. Once we were there, I got off of Tucker and walked with him towards the engineers.

"Hi, may I ask some things?" I smiled at them.
"Hm?" I could see these were different people than the ones we threw out of the other train.
"Could I please see inside of the train?" I looked at them innocently. "I find trains fascinating and would love to see the engineers place." The two men looked at each other, smirking.

"Aren't you the daughter of the blacksmith?" One of the men put his hands on my shoulders.
"Yeah, she is. She's the girl that didn't wanna get with Buford." The other one put his hands around my waist. I grabbed the stick and hit them both on their heads. They fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Idiots." I rolled my eyes and stepped into the train, grabbed the keys and went back home.

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