Putting it to action

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Tw: Quite a lot of sexism!

Once I was back home, I gave my dad the key.

"How'd- How did you get this so quickly?" He looked down at the key, before looking back up at me. "You weren't even gone for an hour..."
"I just hit them and made them go unconscious." I shrugged and walked towards the refrigerator. His eyes widenend a bit.

"I'm sorry, you did- you did what?" I picked up some tools.
"Long story. Is it ok if I take some things from this?" I already started taking things away from the fridge, even though he didn't say it was okay.
"Do you not need any help?" He frowned, clearly not amazed that I was doing everything by myself.
"I know what I have to do, the only thing I'll need help with is getting the train ready and maybe with securing some things.."

I was struggling with my clothes and corset as I tried to take some parts from the refrigerator.

"I'm sorry, but I can't function in this. Could you please hand me my shirt and flared pants?" I asked Clara. I could see her frown in confusion.
"Your shirt and your what?" She looked for the clothes.
"Flared pants." I grabbed a screwdriver and started to undo some of the screws.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what flared pants are..." She said as she handed me my shirt.
"You know what pants are right?" She nodded. "Just grab the pants that were laying with the shirt." She walked back and gave me the pants. "Thanks. Now could you hold this until I've put this on?" She held the screwdriver in place and I walked away. She didn't have to hold it, nothing was loose, I just wanted her arm to get tired and to get her worked up a bit.

I took off the uncomfortable clothes and put on my pants and top. After that I put my shoes back on and I went back to Clara. She was still bravely holding the screwdriver, while she was talking to my dad, not understanding what was happening.

"So unladylike..." Clara whispered. I rolled my eyes, but ignored it.
"Dad?" I took the screwdriver back from Clara. "When we're in 2015, you're gonna fix the time machine, I'm gonna go and talk to my husband."
"2015?" Clara exclaimed. "What?" She shook her head. "I don't understand..."
"You don't have to understand, I wasn't talking to you." I looked at her, before turning back to my dad. "So, ready to go to 2015 again?"
"I don't know. It could be dangerous, Y/n! Why do we even need to go there?" A sigh escaped my lips as I took a big spiralled wire out of the refrigerator.

I handed the spiral to my dad. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe to make it work well? Because I assume, since this is what you always do, you're going to say 'I can't keep the time machine. I gotta destroy it,' and then you don't destroy it, so I atleast want to make it safe to travel to different times with." I pointed to the end of the spiral. "Besides, stuff from there is way better than here. I mean, look at this thing." After a few seconds I took it out of his hands and placed it on a chair. "And I obviously can't show up in these clothes. They'll be dirty, stinky and they'll most likely be teared in some places."

As I was taking parts out of the refrigerator, a shit ton of sand started falling out of the fridge. I sighed and called for my dad.

"Yes?" He looked up at me and then down at the sand. "Oh, that sand was to filter everyth-" I cut him off.
"I know how a fridge works, dad, my question was if you hand something I could put the sand in or if you can sweep it away or something." He nodded and grabbed a mop. I stepped aside, when Clara approached me.

"You look a lot like your father." She smiled. "Not physically, but you are definitely his child." Well yeah, no shit sherlock. I was raised by him. Is this bitch seriously trying to build a bond with me? Or??? "But..." Of course, a 'but,' go fuck off. "Isn't this a bit- well, y'know, unladylike? These clothes, this hobby of yours. You're a lady! You should be looking for a husband and start settling down, start having children!" Her smile vanished and turned into a worried look.
"Pardon me?" I put down the screwdriver I was holding. "I'm from 1985, times have changed. My clothes are NONE of your business and since when is a hobby linked to a gender? And I don't know if you noticed when I was yelling at you, but I infact have a boyfriend. I am 17, I'm not gonna start having children at age 17! You're like what? 35? And you don't have any children!" I grabbed the screwdriver again. "Just, don't talk to me and leave me alone. Be happy I let you be with my father." I walked away back to my dad.

He had cleaned all the sand, so I continued taking things out of the fridge. My mind was racing with thoughts about Clara and not many were nice...

"Can I help with something else?" He put his hand on my shoulder.
"Actually, yes." I turned around to him. "Two things actually." A smile appeared on his lips.
"Which are?"
"Number one is keep Clara out of my way." His smile vanished and a frown came onto his face.
"What? Why? What's wrong?" He looked at Clara, before looking back at me.
"She's a bit sexist. Saying I should start settling down and start a family, saying how my clothes and hobbies are 'unladylike.'" I quoted with my fingers. "Secondly, I want you to get the train ready for me to start working on. Okay?" He nodded, clearly not happy with what I thought of Clara.

He talked to Clara and left after that. She sent me a small nod, understanding that I didn't want to build a relationship with her, atleast not yet. She grabbed her things and said that she'd be going to her house and that she'd be back to cook dinner. I sighed, I finally had some time for myself. Time to think, time to work, time for me. No dad around and no Clara.

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