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Hey everyone, I just want to give you a heads up, in the next few chapters' gonna be light smut. Mostly neck kissing and maybe some teasing. It'll most likely be in every chapter from here and I'm too lazy to warn every time. So, chapters with a ⚠️ in front of it, will have either light smut or full smut.

The first day as Buford's 'girlfriend' wasn't easy. I didn't get any privacy and he was constantly touching me, if I pushed his hand away, he'd tell me that he's a man and that he can do what he wants. The second day wasn't easy either, but I managed to get away and work on the time machine.

I went to bed around 12 A.M, but couldn't fall asleep at all. I felt disgusting, his hands had touched my skin, his lips have been on places I don't even want to discribe. My mind kept on wandering back to Marty and how he could react.

I made up thousands and thousands of scenarios that could happen. He could feel happy that I'm back, he could be mad at me for leaving him there, he could be mad ar me for doing things with Buford...

But one scenario kept lingering in my mind as I slowly fell asleep.

"Dad! Come on, we're leaving!" I yelled to my dad. I had finished putting the flying panels on and we were ready to go back from 1985. We had already gone to 2015 and we were about to leave. My dad joined me and Clara and with three light flashes, we were back in 1985.

I quickly climbed out of  the train and flung myself around Marty's neck.

"Y/n... Y/n is that you?" His breath hitched a bit.
"It is, it's me. I'm back.." I smiled and tears ran down my cheeks. "You won't believe what I had to do to keep myself safe!" I pulled away from him. His eyes scanned over my face and down to my feet, before they went back up and lingered on my neck.
"What're- What are those?" He placed his hand on my neck, before withdrawing it again.

Fuck- The hickeys...

"I'm sorry... I was forced to be Buford's girlfriend or he'd kill-"
He had hit me across my face. More tears rolled down my cheeks, as I placed my hand on my face.

"I can't believe you, Y/n. I dumped my fantastic, amazing, wonderful girlfriend for you and you go and cheat on me?" He rolled his eyes at me.

"Yeah, he dumped me for you." Jennifer now appeared from behind him. I swallowed some spit and blood that had filled my mouth. "Y'know, babe," she dramatically blinked a few times, "maybe we should get back together..." She softly put her finger under his chin and pulled his face into her direction. "Don't you think?" She dramatically blinked again. A big smirk placed itself onto his face.
"Yeah, maybe we should." They leaned in and started making out in front of me.

My chest quickly heaved up and down, my breath hitched in my throat, my lips were shivering as tears fell down my cheeks.

"Marty please..." I whispered, I could see him smirk as he pulled Jennifer closer to him. "I had-" I cleared my throat and spoke louder now. "I had to protect myself, please understand that!"

"Y/n..." I heard a voice, but didn't react. "Y/n.." The voice got louder. "Y/n!" I gasped loudly as I sat up straight. I looked around, I was in my bed, in 1885. Tears had stained my cheeks and my dad was sitting next to me, holding my hand, while he softly stroked it. "What happened?" He looked at me concerned. "We heard you crying and mumbling..." I started to break down, more and more tears rolled down my cheeks, as I tightly hugged my dad.
"Just a nightmare..." I sighed.

I hardly slept that night and was woken up early by Clara. She wanted to get food with me, because we were starting to run out of some things and to get to know me better. I could use some distraction and said yes.

An hour later, I was dressed and ready to go.

"Dad?" I said as I sat down next to him at the dinner table. "Could you finish the last things on the time machine? I'm gonna take a trip with Clara..." He smiled and nodded.
"Of course. Just tell me what needs to be done!"
"I'll make a small list for you, okay? Not everything has to be done today, but this way I don't have to do much more tomorrow." He nodded again as I started writing down what he had to do.

The trip for food was boring, I did find out some things about Clara and realised I maybe had been a tiny bit too harsh on her. I mean, I had every right to be angry at her, but still.

Stuck {Marty Mcfly x reader}Where stories live. Discover now