-Y/n's point of view- Where to?

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The train fell to the ground, breaking everything in it's way, my eyes narrowed at it as shock flew through my body. He was gone, Marty was gone, back to 1985. My chest heaved as I realised that I abandoned my boyfriend.

"Are you okay, Clara?" I heard my dad say as he put her down. I looked at her with pure rage as I got off my hoverboard.

"This is your fucking fault!" I yelled at her. "Had my dad not fallen for you, I would be in 1985!" Anger took over and tears streamed down my face, both from anger and sadness. "I hate you so fucking much, I hope you know that." I stomped past Clara, back to my horse.

"I'm sorry." She said. I stopped in my tracks.
"What?" Slowly I turned around, looking at the two of them.
"I'm sorry." She repeated. "You're right, this is my fault. I took your chance of happiness away." She walked towards me and grabbed my hands. "But don't you think your dad deserves happiness as well?"
"Oh, so you're calling me selfish?" I raised my eyebrows and withdrew my hands out of her grip. "And of course he deserves happiness, but you came here, after we had made our plan. After we had fixed everything-" Dad pulled me aside.

"Y/n Jules Brown, don't you dare talk to my girlfriend like that." I looked at him and shook my head.
"Fix a time machine and don't talk to me." I turned around again. "You're nothing to me and I regret jumping out of that damned car." I got on my horse and before he could respond I galloped away. I had thrown my arms around Tucker's neck for support.

Where to? Where do you go after you've jumped out of a time vehicle? Where do you go after you've ruined your only chance on getting back home?

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!" A voice stopped me. "Y/n?"


"Hm?" I blinked my tears away for a second and stopped riding. "Y-Yes?"
"What's wrong and what are you wearing?" She started petting my horse.
"Just- Just some problems with my dad and some clothes... I made..." The last part was obviously a lie.
"Would you like to come over for some rum? And some ladylike clothes?" Tears started rolling down my cheeks again as I nodded my head.

We walked towards her house and we went inside, she lend me a dress that I was currently putting on. Thought I could finally throw that damned dress away and now I gotta put a different one on.

Once I was wearing the dress, I walked towards Catherine and sat down next to her. She gave me a glass of alcohol and she put her arm around my shoulders.

"What happened, Y/n?" She said softly, I shook my head.
"He choose her over me... My dad choose Clara over me, his daughter." I looked away from my glass of rum and up to Catherine. "Am I selfish for wanting my dad to choose me, to be proud of me, to love me more than a woman he met a few days ago?"
"No, of course not. Every child wants the love of their father... Some men are just not cut out to be a dad." She drank her rum quickly.
"But he's an amazing dad, except for the fact that he chooses a practical stranger over me..."

We talked some more and I stayed there that night. It was weird to talk to my great-great-great grandmother, but I did see the resemblance between me and her and I slowly started to see the resemblance between me and my teacher as well.

The next morning I woke up, no Marty that woke me up with kisses or hugs or whining, God, I even missed his whining... I slept on Catherine her daughter her bed, since her daughter had recently moved out and moved in with her husband. Catherine's husband wasn't home, he was working all day and night, so he wouldn't be here.

We ate together and I got ready for the day, I was going to talk with my dad...

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