Chapter Six : Windows to the Soul

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Y/N wakes up, her hair messy and memory fuzzy. It took her a little bit but she started to remember what was happening and the situation she was in right now.

She was to be married to the prince the day after tomorrow. She got up and straightened her dress, fixing her hair as well.

She gently tapped the arm of the prince, who was laying on the floor 

"I don't think anyone noticed that you were down here."

He groans, slowly sitting up, "I figured. As long as you were comfortable on the bed."

A genuine smile graced her usually intimidating features. "It was very gentlemanly of you to do that for me by the way."

"You're welcome. And it was the least I could do since.. y'know.." he didn't even have to say it. She immediately knew what he meant since they were still in the implied situation.

She nodded but before she could reply the king's aid came into the room, she assumed to escort them to the throne room. He did indeed and now they were standing on a staircase, watching as they talked to someone.

It took her a moment to realize.


Fenrir looks up at her, "Stay behind me and do not interfere. You'll only make things worse."

What's happening?

She went a couple steps down, looking straight at Laurance. He wasn't looking at her though, he was busy glaring at the king.

Michi was right next to Laurance.

"How dare you come barging into my chambers, speak now or be sent to the dungeon!"

His voice booms and even Y/N's ear twitch. Michi nods and replies, "Yes your highness I have brought you a meif'wa male."

The king looked confused, "Michi, we don't need you to betray your own kind anymore, why have you brought this vermin?"

Michi smirked and glanced over, making eye contact for a second with the girl who just stood on the stairs, looking dumbfounded.

"I heard from a little birdie that your son is going to marry one of the meif'wa I brought you, nya! Congrats!"

The king nods in appreciation of the congratulations, "Get to the point."

Michi nods and pushes Laurance forward ever so slightly, "This male meif'wa here is her lover, I have no need for him since he didn't want to have fun with me at all" She huffs.

But he's not my lover..

Laurance just rolls his eyes, "There's not much of you to have fun with.."

Michi put her hand on her chest as if she were offended, which she probably was. Instead of gasping, she Lets out a loud, "NYA!"

She glares at the back of his head, "HOW DARE YOU- I mean- ehehe, I brought him here because it would be such a shame if he was allowed to roam around. What if he gets ideas to be with your son's fiance behind his back?"

Y/N gulps, "What the-" she closes her mouth before she can say anything further.

"I have already sent for the prince to execute him. When I saw a male I figured this was going to be the case. Good work Michi. Now take your diamonds and get out of my face."

Y/N stood there looking shocked as Michi replied, "With pleasure! Nya!~ See you later lover boy."

Laurance turns to look at Michi, "I swear when I get out of this I'll make you pay for what you've done to us!"

Michi squeaks ever so slightly at the threat and turns to leave, waiting for the gate to open. Once it did, she ran out.

The werewolf king glares at Laurance, the latter returning the glare. "Tell me, meif'wa-"

"I am not a meif'wa, I am a human. Now you better let me and the others go before I-"

"Do not speak out of line. Now, let me ask you, are you truly the lover of the female meif'wa, Ophelia?"

Y/N stared at Laurance, wanting to talk to him, to let him go. He didn't need to be here.

All because of Michi

It was you, it's your fault.

Michi had brought Laurance and lied telling the king that he was her lover. When in reality they're really just friends. If she ever wanted to be more, she wouldn't be able to handle feelings like those.

It's why she sticks to herself most of the time.

What if she had told Aphmau to keep going, maybe then they wouldn't have gotten into this situation. Her ears twitch and her tails hangs low, she really didn't have a way of escaping.

But even then, all she worried about was Aphmau, Katelyn, and Laurance. They probably had family, friends, people who care about them.

Y/N had.. nothing.

No family..

New friends that probably wouldn't bat an eye if she stayed there.

Nobody who really cared about her.

Even though she hated the idea, scratch that, she's absolutely terrified of forced marriage, she was willing to do it if that meant her..

acquaintances.. would be set free.

"Lover? No, I am not. We are only friends. That's all we are."

The king looks over at Y/N, eyes on her for a moment before he looks back at Laurance, "She's waiting up there on the stairs with my son. Look at her and tell me that."

Y/N's breath hitches in her throat as Laurance ducks his head down before looking up at her.

That sad look that he had before was washed away by the feeling of relief he felt knowing that she was safe. Y/N returned the look, her features softening at the sight of his baby blue eyes.

Then she felt it, a connection with someone she had known for a few weeks. A connection that was sure to cause problems, a connection that might just not be meant to be.

Their moment was interrupted by the king yelling, "I've seen enough. FENRIR! Come and commence the beheading."

Laurance tenses up, frantically looking back at the king, "W-What?! I TOLD YOU THE TRUTH!"

The king scowls at him, his expression screaming how much he seated the male in front of him. "You can't fool me. I saw the way you looked at each other. Even if you aren't her lover, you're still a threat to their relationship and I will not have that. Let the execution begin!"

"Wait- what-" her heart pounds against her chest, "Fenrir! Please do some-"

He looks up at her, a surprised look on his face, he didn't expect this either, "This isn't good.. at all. I can try and buy him time but I NEED you to play along in front of my father. Hold my hand, do whatever you need to do. If you want to save him, it's the only way."

Y/N hesitates before grabbing his warm hand. Her own hands were clammy and cold since she was nervous.

"I- I'm sure that I can buy us some time."

She looks down at their interlocked hands.

This doesn't feel right

But let's do this..

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