...ᴍɪɴᴅ |

203 4 1

|| ooga booga ||
Fact: "One of the first visible signs of death is when the eyes cloud over, as fluid and oxygen stop flowing to the corneas."
[hope u like, love ya'.]
• [ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴇᴅɪᴛᴇᴅ]

Bakugo snarled lowly, watching Monoma wreath uncomfortably on the ground, small grunts the only thing coming from his stupid shitty useless mutt muzzle- "Kat? you ok?" Bakugo snapped out of his inward seething, "I'm fucking peachy..I'm going for a drink, make sure this mutt doesn't go anywhere." the wolf on the floor scoffed, his jaw moving to speak, a black and purple paw smacked his mouth shut before he could say anything, "You don't get to respond." Dabi said menacingly, Bakugo's tail bristled before he stalked off towards the stream.

There at the stream Bakugo caught a glimpse of Deku, Todoroki, and Yuri sitting, Deku seemed to be in the middle of a story, like he usually is, nerd talks to much, Bakugo thought half wondering what they were chatting about but mostly focused on the water, Bakugo stayed some ways away from them as he crouched to lap at the cool refreshing water, he could feel eyes burning into his side but ultimately ignored it, he continued to drink before flattening his head and rolling it through the water to cool down, it was nearly winter but he always ran hotter then most, his mom used to say it was because of his hot temper.

At the thought of his mom, he folded his paws under his body and stared into the river, his reflection staring back at him, his ear twitched and his eyes followed the motion, there in the peripheral of his eyes was one white and one red paw, he glanced up and saw solemn heterochomic eyes stare back at him, "You'll get a cold if you play in the water." Bakugo snorted at Todorokis attempt at looking out for him, "I won't get sick half'n'half, stop worrying about me, i'm not some play dumb pup." Todoroki nodded his head slowly before sitting, his tail wrapping softly around him as he too looked at his reflection below him.

"My mother used to say that, when your upset you should lean on others.." Bakugo scrunched his nose, about to respond Todoroki continued in his soft monotone voice, "she wouldn't tell me this directly because i was never allowed around her much but, i overheard her, and it's stuck with me, so hopefully you can take something from that." Todoroki made a quick glance at Bakugo, an emotion of understanding gleaming in his eyes, Bakugo usually would've made a snarky comment on how he wasnt into sappy talk but this obviously meant something to Todoroki, so he kept his muzzle shut and huffed out a rough sigh, "yeah, whatever."

Bakugo and Todoroki sat there in soft silence, the low sound of the cold stream running softly the only noise in between their shared peace, winter was slowly rolling around and it hit Bakugo that Todoroki had been with them for quite some months now, the once bruised and lost wolf now more comfortable and willing, Bakugo puffed in pride, his pack was great for being able to bring the best out of lone wolves.

"Bakugo! we're being attacked!" a voice barked some ways away, Bakugo jumped up quick as light and followed the shout with a sneer on his muzzle, Todoroki quickly keeping up, there in the middle of the pack entrance was Dabi and Kirishima fighting with 3 unknown wolves, Wolves rushing the pups to hiding spots and others standing a bit back defensively growling and barking up a storm, and Monoma no where to be seen....

Bakugo quickly jumped in with no hesitation, he easily helped Kirishima wriggle out of a jaw lock by a brown wolf, Kirishima took the chance to ram his large shoulder into the chest of the brown wolf, the former making a loud noise between a yelp and growl, "Bakugo, behind you!" Bakugo whipped around and was taken down to the ground by a larger white and black wolf, "So your Bakugo hah? what a weakling, you have an omega having to help you, how pathetic!" The large wolf stamped down on Bakugo's face before going lower and grabbing Bakugo by the stump of his tail, he barked in pain before flipping over and clawing at the ground trying to rebalance, "Let go and fight me face to face, coward!" Bakugo kicked up his hind legs but was dropped back to the ground after being knocked over by a dark blonde wolf, Dabi quickly came and grabbed the wolf by his scruff and dragged him off further away, he ran back up and reared onto his hind legs and clawed at the large white and black wolf holding onto Bakugo's tail stump like a starving dog would a bone.

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