...sᴜʀᴘʀɪsᴇ |

326 13 3

{| yuh gurl tokyo is back my g's anyways the fighting is defo not done yet, there's more battles to come trust moi |}
   —.   see the end for y this chap is late 🐁   .—
{| 4 this chap it's gonna be more of a cool down for the packs, like a 'let's sit down nd get our shit together before anything else happens'  ykwim? |}

-|{] anyways enjoy!~ 🎬[}|-
'the fuck is going on...where am i? ah, shit my head.."

NO 1's P.O.V 🎬
As bakugo was starting to gain consciousness, he heard hushed voices around him, he forced his heavy eye lids to open slightly, only to be met with colourful blobs surrounding him.

-Baku- "where the fuck am i?"

-??- "your in the care den bakugo"

-Baku- "what!?"

-??- "your in the care den bakugo!"

-Baku- "no need to yell who the hell are you!?"

-??- "why not keep your eyes open?"

So that's what bakugo tried to do, he closed and opened his eyes trying to take in his surroundings, though his heavy headache and aching mussels had other plans, he was indeed back in his care den, but boy did he hate the vulture like looks he was getting.

-Baku- "gosh will you fucks stop staring?"

-??- "i mean you nearly died, woke up randomly, and now your giving us attitude so no, no we won't stop staring"

-Baku- "who the fuck-"

Bakugo whipped his head around, half surprised he didn't get whiplash, he was so confused on who was giving him such sass he needed to know so he could beat them to a pulp.

He was surprised to see a very disheveled, and beat up todoroki sitting there, he looked like he was about to pass out from either lack of sleep, or starvation.

-Baku- "gee what the fuck happened to you.."

-Todo- "well, while you were probably having a conversation with the all mighty celestial's for at least 3 days, the wolves who weren't, had to fight"

-Baku- "fight..?"

-Todo- "yea surprise surprise, my father can't take a fuckin hint"

-Baku- "that bastard has been attacking us!?"

-Todo- "no the fuckin deers, yes him who else!?"

-Baku- "first, speak louder i can't hear your shitty mumbling, second someone's been fuckin deers!?"

-Todo- "mumbling?....fuckin deers?"

Todoroki's face morphed into one of shock and sadness bakugo was so confused why'd his whole demeanour change? just by a small comment? did he hurt his feelings? did he do something offensive?

-??- "see what'd i tell you!"

-??- "calm down before you make him freak!"

-??- "bakugo?"

-Todo- "he's not gonna hear you from over there.."

-Baku- "over who?? speak louder shitty mutt!"

-??- "he's totally gonna flip..."

Bakugo was getting fed up with todoroki ignoring him, so he opted to follow his line of vision, he turned his head to see, kirishima, mina, deku, and sero standing by the den entrance, how did he not hear them, were they there before?

-Baku- "oi the hells goin on"

-Todo- *sigh* "baku can u hear me?"

-Baku- "yes but your still freaking mumbling, like jeez i've asked you to speak up, do you want me to-"

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