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( ok little disclaimer, I'm going to be writing on my laptop for a while and well ill update the title later anywho enjoyyy and bold Italics are thoughts but I mean..yea y'all r smart)


As I woke up I was hit with a wave of fresh meat, it made my empty stomach growl and it honestly pained me that I hadn't eaten for two days straight. I looked around the cave remembering that I had shared it with bakugo, I smiled at the thought of bakugo as we had a nice walk together last night and a refreshing conversation "what are you smiling about dumbass?" I snapped my head up meeting bakugos confused expression "uh hehe nothing, nothing at all" I stood up and shook out my fur maybe I should wash up this matted blood I thought to myself "well whatever there's food outside if your hungry" and as he said that he was gone. I walked out the den and saw so many different faces, and so many different personalities there were wolves...EVERYWHERE, it was really fun to see two little pups just running around as well, they stood and stared at me for a while so I crouched down and had a little conversation with them "awww that's so precious!!" I looked up to see that pink wolf named mina "It seems that your good with puppies" I laughed a little "well I'm not the greatest, I just try to be as kind as I can I guess" mina smiled warmly at me, "I mean it's still cute so who cares! but anyways you should come eat before all the meat is gone" oh yeah that's why I came out the cave as I started walking I was smiled at by so many wolves they all seemed friendly even the ones that looked like they would tear you apart with one swift move ugh scary, I eventually sat down beside a few wolves and pulled over a small rabbit that was leftover I made small talk with the wolves they all talked about how to properly catch and pounce birds, squirrels and other tricky animals I just nodded and added my 2 sense every once in a while, I then saw sero, denki, and kirishima head off into the forest I got up and walked to where they went..again I was curious, I was about to walk forward when out of no where someone yanked my tail "snooping again you half n' half fool" my body tensed when I heard that and I slowly turned around to see once again red piercing eyes "well um not exactly 'snooping' more like-" "following? stalking? creeping? which was it hm?" I lowered my ears and my head feeling kind of embarrassed "ha exactly, and plus you would probably get lost" I looked up at him and suddenly a thought popped into my head "well yes, I would probably get lost but could you perhaps show me around the territory?" he stared at me like he was judging my capability to not get lost "why not ask someone else?" "well your right here and plus you are the leader" I said flicking my tail a little, he sighed deeply "ahh fuck it I guess I could or whatever" my tail and ears perked up a little yes now I won't get lost every time I get 'curious' "well then lets go!" I started trotting off into the distance tail wagging slightly. After an hour and a half of walking my paws started getting tired "hey could we head back i'm a little tired" I hung my head low to visibly show I was tired "heh if your gonna be staying here you should work on that stamina of yours" my eyes widened and my head shot up "w-wait I could stay here?" all he did was look at me and smirked and just walked up omgomgomgomg he's considering me to join his pack? I smiled at the thought of me joining a pack again just as I was catching up to him again I heard voices coming from the deeper parts of the forest it seemed like bakugo heard them too because he stopped in his tracks and his ears were perked up listening intently, as they came into view I recognized one of the wolves, it was monoma and he was with some random wolf I saw around in my fathers pack they'er here to get me as soon as I thought that I ran up to Bakugo "bakugo I have to hide right now I know those wolves" "what? what do you mean you need to hide??" he looked at me so confused "I just need to hide and i'll explain later please just don't tell them you've seen me" before he could answer I hid behind a good sized boulder "well what a surprise, if it isn't bakugo the parentless child" "shut the fuck up shit head, what are you doing here anyways?" "nothing im just here to tend to important matters, what are you doing here bakugo~" "stupid question to ask monoma" I peeked around the boulder to see monoma sitting right in front of a tensed bakugo "well anyways~ have you seen any wolves recently? preferably a white and red one with a grey and blue eye?" "no and even if I did I wouldn't tell you dipshit" "now now no need to get defensive with me, its just that this wolf is very important and he needs to be brought back home, and well you kinda smell just like him" I was watching everything unfold monoma was circling bakugo as if he was trapped prey "kinda weird that you remembered a wolfs scent you prevert and plus I live with a lot of different wolves" I kinda giggled at that but shut myself right back up "well yes, but sometimes certain scents stand out" the other wolf monoma was with was just sitting there looking around he seemed young he was probably there for intimidation "well I haven't seen this wolf that your talking about so fucking leave already you smell like shit and your scaring my prey" with that monoma and the other wolf turned around with monoma saying one last thing "if I find out you were lying to me bakugo....I will personally tear apart everyone of your pack members even the ones buried" bakugo snarled at him "in your dead dreams bastard" after 2 minutes I walked out from behind the boulder and bakugo whipped his head towards me "you better have a good fucking explanation as to what the fuck is going on" and so I told him everything. It was midnight as we both reached back to the pack everyone was asleep by then except for border patrol, it was a clear night you could see all the stars "well fuck sorry for your life I guess" I looked at bakugo and smiled "hehe no need to apologize for something out of your control" "yea..right..uh anyways im just gonna head to my den now" "alright ill be there later" I walked away from him looking for a good clearing to properly look at the stars, I found a perfect place to lay and stare up to the sky it wasn't as elevated but it was still pretty, after about 12 minutes of sitting there I heard footsteps I looked behind me to see bakugo "oh I thought you were heading to bed?" he walked up to me "I mean yeah but I woke up so whatever" as he slowly made his way up to me he sat right be side me and I mean RIGHT be side me, to the point where I could feel his ribs expand every time he breathed I blushed a little and looked away but I blushed even more when I felt his tail go over mine and his paw cross mine as well I looked at the ash-blonde who's head was turned away heh cute...nono what am I saying I smiled at him and looked back to the sky maybe this is where I'm supposed to be maybe I was lucky to find this place, maybe..just maybe.


words: 1396

bro....its 2:31am I need to get my sleep schedule in check man, but anywayyyys hope u enjoyed this even though this one is hella long cause i'm pretty sure I was just doing run on sentences but eh whatevs.

And every time I was spelling monoma it wanted to auto-correct to monomaniacs and I was dying but yea hope u guys are doin well niiight.

And every time I was spelling monoma it wanted to auto-correct to monomaniacs and I was dying but yea hope u guys are doin well niiight

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