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{yes two mF paRts 😏 a lil fluff here and there}
NO 1's P.O.V 🐉
When bakuhoe woke up (i had to...you could say it was instinct 😉ok bye) he was real groggy he could see blurs but that was it so he made the executive decision to go right back to sleep (mood).

When i woke up for a second time i was finally seeing things clearly, i was in my own den, resting on my own deer pelt, with my boar skull mask right beside me, "ahh let's just rest again..............................- wait a fuckin minute where's my fucking tail! my tail! my precious possession!"

NO 1's P.O.V 🐉
As bakugo twirled round and round looking for his tail he didn't notice , the softly panting todoroki 'i'm gonna kill whoever took my fuckin tail' bakugo told himself as he slowly stoped twirling he finally saw todoroki and was taken a back before he stocked towards him quietly "hey fuckin' icyhot..." no response "uh peppermint toad" still no response at this point bakugo was just stressed he was in pain, he was tired, and starving as well, so being as annoyed as he was he pounced todoroki right in his stomach "you ichyhot bastard! wake up" and slowly but surely todoroki's eyes fluttered open "mm what is...it bakugo" he said clearly out of breath "well your panting and shit and letting off this sweet smell are you in heat or something?" just as bakugo said that a wave of heat and uncomfortableness hit todoroki like a boulder was thrown right at him, he shrank into a ball and started whimpering 'FuUuck i needa get someone' bakugo said, but just as he was about to leave todoroki grabbed his back paw trying to slow him down "c-can you just s-stay here....with m-me?" he asked in a quiet and weak voice, bakugo looked at him like he was a ghost "are you crazy i'm an alpha, and your an omega in heat , not a really good mix! and plus i don't know what to fuckin do" bakugo whisper shouted "i-i-i know b-but please just s-stay!" he said a little louder "hmph..fine but don't blame me if something happens, WHICH NOTHIN WONT IM NOT A MONSTER" he yelled the last part trying to get his point across "y-yeah i know baku" todoroki smiled softly.

It's been 4 hours since todorokis heat came and it just seemed to be worse then before, bakugo had been taking care of and watching over him for those 4 hours and he was sick of not seeing todoroki improve "hey icyhot how do you feel?" he knew that what todoroki would say was a lie because 'actions speak louder then words' "i-i'm fine don't worry" he said weakly, bakugo sighed, he stood up did a doggy downward stretch and slowly made his way over to todoroki, bakugo would be lying if he said he didn't want to pounce todoroki but he knew he couldn't as that just ruined his pride and everything he worked for, "you shouldn't lie you know...especially when it comes to pain" bakugo said quietly as he laid beside todoroki "well w-w-when you've been doing it all y-your life y-you get used t-to it" todoroki said "heh your dad?" , "yep" bakugo then scooted closer to todoroki and rested his head on top of his "well what if i could change that" bakugo asked "i'd probably m-mate to you" they both giggled at the comment and todoroki basically melted into bakugos chest "hm that wouldn't be to bad" bakugo said smirking "i can smell y-your smirk" todo said his panting slowing down a bit "pfft HA i've got a jokester on my paws huh" , "i suppose you do" todoroki smiled.

Both todoroki and bakugo had been having small conversation in the cuddle pose they held , enjoying the company eachother provided "hey uhm bakugo" , "hm" todorokis voice was still quiet and he would shake from time to time but bakugo was proud that he was able to help todoroki calm down "uh thanks..for watching and taking care of me"
todoroki smiled "tch yea whatever your sweet smell was over taking my amazing smell of death" , "heh yep your smell could definitely kill" , "are you trying to say something shitty dog!" bakugo asked as he batted todoroki over his head with his paw "hehehe no no  i'm joking your smell is 'manly' as kirishima would say" he snuggled closer to bakugo "hmph whatever mr.honeysuckle and flowers" todoroki giggled "that's cute" bakugo whispered "what'd you say?" , "fuckin nothing go to sleep" , "ok goodnight bakugo" , "g'night" 'this bastard is doing something to my fuckin heart' was the last thing that was on bakugos mind before him and todoroki fell asleep, in bakugos den, on his deer pelt, next to his boar skull mask and emotions flying through the air.
Words: 832
WhoOp here y'all go 2nd chapter in one day BaM 🦦 hope u like cause i like it AND YES HIS TAIL IS GONE MWHAHAHA anyways peace out loves 💚.

——————————-Words: 832WhoOp here y'all go 2nd chapter in one day BaM 🦦 hope u like cause i like it AND YES HIS TAIL IS GONE MWHAHAHA anyways peace out loves 💚

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