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NO 1's P.O.V 🦦/TODO's P.O.V❄️
Mina started freaking out, running to different dens, climbing high places and all todoroki could do was follow as he didn't know what in all his days was going on "no no no this can't be happening please god no" (the office reference 🌝) mina was pacing back and forth repeating those words over and over again worrying todoroki "uhm mina what's going on? is everything alright?" todoroki asked concerned for his new friend "no nothing's alright..." her voice wavered "bakus.....missing, i'm sure he's ok though" she weakly smiled "is there anything i can do to help find him? i know you guys really need him and an alpha in general especially to protect your omegas and pups" todoroki said walking closer to mina "yeah sero, kiri, and kami are out with the patrol wolves looking for him right now" just as she said that a tan wolf with one of the fluffiest tails ran in "MINA! it's deku he found bakugo!" 'deku? who's deku?' mina than ran out following the tan wolf, and todoroki not knowing what to do followed.

After some time of waiting back with the pack as a last line of defence todoroki finally saw a group of wolves walking back it was mina, sero, some new unfamiliar faces and the patrol wolves "momo do you have herbs to give him?" a green looking wolf had asked he was quite a fluffy looking wolf and his whiskers were really long (to make up for his freckles 🦦) "of course i do deku!" a pretty black wolf said her fur was luxurious looking and todoroki was quite jealous then out of no where a brown wolf popped up from behind them "i'm gonna go with kiri, and kami to see if they need any help!" and with that she was off "haaa kacchan's always getting into trouble even now when he has a pack to protect" 'kacchan? who's kacchan?' the group of wolves came closer and took bakugo to a den so the wolf named momo could help get him in better condition.

After a couple hours of waiting, extra patrolling plans, and having the pack under lockdown ( i'm locked up they won't let me out ✊😔 if ykw im singing...let's get married) bakugo had finally began to wake up and boy was he as cranky as ever, the green wolf todoroki assumed was deku nearly ran him
over with how fast he left the den currently occupied by a grumpy half asleep wolf "oh shoot! sorry bout that i just wanted to leave the krakens den you know" he chuckled a bit "it's ok and that's understandable" todoroki smiled "well uhm i'm deku! well technically izuku but eh whatever" he smiled brightly "hi 'deku well technically izuku' i'm todoroki" they both laughed a bit before that brown wolf came jumping back "hey hey hey dEkU is it time to head back it's getting real laaaate" she complained 'time sure does fly' todoroki thought to himself "ah your right i'll go get momo then we can leave, but bye todoroki hopefully i'll see you around!" , "bye deku" and with that they were on their way 'i want a nick name too bro'.
Words: 556
honestly proud of myself 👨‍🦲 be proud of me thanks 😽dw after the next chapter i'll explain what happened to bakugo 😏 anyways love y'all bye💚.

——————————-Words: 556honestly proud of myself 👨‍🦲 be proud of me thanks 😽dw after the next chapter i'll explain what happened to bakugo 😏 anyways love y'all bye💚

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