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444 21 1

{this is bout to be shitty and all over the place but eh i'll try to keep it simple with some detail 😽}
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{also wanna say thanks for the votes guys makes me smile whenever i see em in my notifications ❕😻}

NO 1's P.O.V☀️
The day finally came, the day where wolves were ready to get there paws dirty {a/n. i wanted to say the day of the ROYALL RUMBLEE} the day wolves would be busy running back and forth, watching each other's backs, fighting alongside new wolves.

Me and deku woke up early so we could go over our plans, just to make sure everything was set and ready. I hade sero and kirishima wake up and start preparing with the defensive and offensive wolves, mina and momo were out getting last minute herbs and forging tonics and such, kaminari and uraraka went with the eldest and youngest wolves to get them hidden. Everything was nearly set and sooner then later we would be ready.

NO 1's P.O.V☀️
Bakugo had left deku to deal with final 'details' so he could find todoroki, he knew he was on his heat and that it would be dying down soon but he just wanted to make sure todoroki was comfortable just incase he decided to fight alongside him. Bakugo went to his den to find todoroki clawing at a rock.

B-"what are you doin"

T-"sharpening my claws"

B-"no shit sherlock but why are you doing that"

T-"to fight obviously"

B-"hmm...why not fight me"


B-"did i stutter i said fight me"

T-"i heard what you said but-"

B-"why? cause you seem rusty with your fighting technique"

T-"i'll have you know i'm not rusty"

B-"riiiight well whadaya say.."

T-"....fine but if you get hurt blame it on yourself"

B-"ok mr.honeysuckle let's see what you got"

Bakugo snickered at his own comment while todoroki just glared at him softly kicking the rock he was using to the side he made his way towards bakugo almost like a domestic cat paw over paw, he walked under bakugo's chin standing a bit taller and making sure to flick his tail in his face as he walked by.

T-"alright let's go"

Bakugo smirked watching todoroki walk out passing him, bakugo was definitely going to trash him.

{~time skip~}

NO 1's P.O.V☀️
Todoroki and Bakugo has trained for a awhile and finally headed back, they were met with a meeting of all the wolves getting ready to leave they decided to attack when it was darker as bakugo's pack was good in the dark, deku's pack could easily adapt to bakugo's packs fighting style.

Everyone was wishing each other a good luck, pups were saying goodbye so they could be hidden with the elders, kirishima's and mina's adoptive mom was leading them all.

Bakugo got everyone's attention.
Signalling that they were heading off.

{~time skip~}

NO 1's P.O.V☀️
Everyone was set up. There were four groups surrounding the border of Endeavors pack, it seemed that there was a night patrol out and some wolves who were awake, majority of them were asleep, the plan to lure the scattered wolves was to make a noise, get them get closer and let momo do the rest, she had learned a trick from watching hikers, whatever those are, to immobilize animals, after that they would give them a liquid that momo and mina made that would make them go 'stupid' so they couldn't react.

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