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Dark and Cold, silent....Noise? as i opened my eyes i couldn't see a thing, i was starting to think i was blind until i realized the texture of the rock and the way it almost seemed to glisten in the dark, i suddenly heard a voice it was quite high-pitched so i assumed it was a female "ohmygosh he's awake!!" i turned my eyes to be met by some very interesting ones in return they were almost...alien like? "should i get bakugo" this time it was a deeper voice not too deep but deeper then the first one's "um duh seroooo go call him and denki too!" i was so confused on what was happening so i just decided to sit up "um where am i?" i asked the voices "well hello there to you too! i'm mina nice to meet ya!" she said really enthusiastically "i-i'm todoroki" just as i was about to ask another question i heard 3 more voices start to get closer i assumed it was sero, denki, and that bakugo dude "ugh shutup dunce head!! your so loud" your kinda loud too i said mentally "no need to be so rude bakugo" when i looked in the direction of the voices i was greeted by a jet black wolf, a yellow blonde wolf, a pink wolf??, and lastly an ash blonde wolf they all just stared like i was something they've never seen before "um who are y-you guys" i asked still not sure of where i am "well we're the King Explosives welcome to the pack" "WELCOME?!?" as the ash blonde asked confused, trust me i'm just as confused "well not welcome to the pack but i m-" " okok we get it" the pink wolf cut off the yellow blonde wolf "like i said i'm mina the black wolf is sero, the yellow one is denki and the ash blonde the alpha wolf of the pack is bakugo, there's another one named kirishima but he's out hunting right now, nice to meet you todoroki :)".
After being introduced and showed around a little bit and finally meeting that kirishima wolf (very cool dude) i was left alone in a den to just mentally stable myself with everything that had happened.
Left my dads pack..check
Got my ass beat..check
Be left somewhere..check
Meet some wolves who seem friendly..check
Try to get into a pack..in progress
as i was making a mental checklist i didn't realize the ash blonde walk past me and just lay down on the furthest side of the den "your bakugo right?" i asked "who else dumbass" wow ok rude, he seems like a tough cookie "is this your den? should i leave?" i was really worried he'd kill me in my sleep or something "stop asking so much questions and go to sleep before i bring you back to the forest! >:(" and on that note i shut my mouth and tried to fall asleep. Half way through the night i heard mumbling and claws clawing at the ground, i shot up from my spot only to see it was bakugo but he was asleep? maybe he's having a bad dream, as i walk to him i paw him gently not even realizing my actions myself "hey uh bakugo are you alright" as soon as i finished my sentence bakugos eyes popped right open "huh what the fucks happening??" he seemed half asleep cute- i mean "you were mumbling in your sleep i was checking if you were ok" he stood up and walked passed me "yea i'm fine, um just go back to sleep" as he said that he left i walked out to see where he was going and saw him walk out to the forest so of course me being nosy and curious i followed him. We walked for a little while it was getting really dark and i tried to be as quiet as possible- "i know your following me" well never mind that guess i wasn't quiet enough, i walked out from behind a little boulder i was crouched behind "uh this may look really bad" "no duh a random wolf that i only just met is following me" "look i was just curious on where you were going and uh" as i look around i realized i had no idea where we were i was kinda confused on how we got so far off track "hahahah maybe next time you shouldn't be curious and you wouldn't get yourself lost" the ash blonde laughed it was an interesting laugh..i smiled.."heheh maybe your right" the ash blonde looked at me and i guess you could say we had a moment until he snapped his head away and averted his gaze "well i guess i'll have to take you back so you don't get killed". After we arrive back at the camp we have small talk about little things we've noticed about the forests different packs and even each other..it was refreshing to have a conversation as small as it was..it was still refreshing "well i'm gonna head to bed g'night dumbass" "yea uh goodnight" we walked into the same den and laid down on different sides of the den....i think this is where i wanna be.
words: 892
Next chapter i wanna do a little bit of fluffy stuff idk yet haven't decided hope quarantines going good for y'all and your not going insane.

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