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{oooo-kkkaaayyy lets get into ittt 🤫}

{alsooo i might take a break from writing NOT BECAUSE IM LOSING WILL OR INSPIRATION TO WRITE THIS 🙄 just want a break yk? ˋεˊ also there is no angst! whew.}

{i wanna do some sort of angst eventually but i'll need to figure that out later~}

[{ - !Anywhom Enjoy!~🗞 - }]
NO 1's P.O.V🗞
It was still late night, all the nocturnal animals and insects coming out, all the stars shining..

All the pups of bakugo's pack a little bit terrified.

Monoma and a group of four wolves set out towards bakugo's pack undetected, they fled when everyone was to busy focusing on bakugo and endeavor.

Monoma respected that even though endeavor was injured and barely conscious, he was still able to realize a vulnerability.

Let's just say monoma has an..interesting..way of thinking.

Monoma and the four wolves reached bakugo's pack territory, it was empty no one in the dens or near the lakes, it seemed everyone else was hiding or gone, so monoma used this to his advantage to start marking things scenting them if you will.

The other four wolves shortly followed scenting any and everything that would be reasonable to scent, all while trashing the place and tearing things down.

Mono-"let's see how he deals with this"

Monoma and the wolves snickered not before they heard a shuffle, they snapped there heads towards one of the dens, they eyed eachother and moved closer.

They reached the entrance of the den only to find a small caramel brown wolf it looked to be only a couple weeks..

a pup.

The pup looked up at them with fearful eyes..he thought he was quieter.

Monoma grinned at the wolves.

Mono-"what do you guys suppose we do with em?"

Wolf 1-"kill em! kill em!"

Wolf 3-" we could really hurt his pack here monoma~"

Wolf 2-"true true"

The 4th wolf of the group wasn't there, but they weren't focused on that, they knew he just went looking for other things.

Mono-"welll~ i guess we could get away with it"

Wolf 1-"so we gonna kill it! right?"

But just as that white shaggy wolf said that they heard snarling behind them they turned to see a female wolf with deep chocolate fur and green eyes she was in a defensive stance readying herself to fight.

Mono-"who the fuck are you huh?"

Monoma stepped closer puffing himself out.

??-"his mother now move."

Mono-"hmm no..i don't think i will...now whats your name?"


Mono-"ah. you see yui, you should watch over you pups properly, cause people like me,
will do things like this-"

Monoma turned around grabbing the pup by his neck and threw him to the white shaggy wolf who started jumping around with him in his mouth.

The white shaggy wolf then dropped the pup in front of an off-white wolf that was far larger than monoma, he grabbed the small pup then threw him to the side, the pup made a yelp.

Y-"stop! p-please just...just give him to me"

Mono-"why would i do that, hm?"

Y-"what do you want!"

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